Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I hate to dust, I'm telling you right up front, the real reason why I had children was to have them do the dusting, seriously!! It is one of those never ending jobs. And living here where we get dust particles and volcanic particles and sea salt particles the dust is even more evident. With that being said, I was listening to a sermon about reading the bible everyday. Then he asked if you read it every day or if it was sitting on a table collecting dust. Since I have heard this many times I was ready for him to go onto the next bullet point but he said something that made me pay attention, "if you have dust on your bible then you have dust here (pointing to his heart)." Wow, that really hit home. I got to thinking about God having to dust my heart. How dusty is it? At times I know that the dust is so thick that it is hard to see the actual surface. I'm so thankful that God doesn't hate dusting. I'm sure of it.

Heavenly Father, Praise You! Thank You! Oh, Sovereign Lord above all else, there is nothing that compares to You. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and for this week that she allow You to do the dusting of her heart. Cleanse her and she will be clean, purify her heart, restore to her the joy of Your salvation. Oh Lord that she may shine forth as Your precious child. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Being Dusted by the Divine Father,


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