Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Reality of Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Once again, the reality of life has entered into my world. I have been going along quite nicely with my daily devotionals and my bible reading. My quiet time with the Lord has been marvelous and my conversations with Abba Father have been glorious. Then, starting last Thursday, things began...

My husband had been having some medical issues and was becoming weaker and weaker. He had been seeing a doctor for some time but had not received any relieve from his severe pain and other issues. He decided to see another doctor and he was sent to a cardiologist.

Ok, so right up front I have to tell you that my husband does not do drama. Me on the other hand, I am known to run amuck!!

The cardiologist placed the instrument on my husband's chest and I got to see for the very first time his heart pumping. I was awestruck!!

As I was making my comments aloud the doctor said, "Oh, my" and stopped the frame and then once again stated "Oh, my." Then he motioned me to come closer so I could see what he was looking at. As he explained he said, "Not good." The diagnosis: He has level 4 mitral valve prolapse/regurgitation.

This morning we leave for Honolulu to Queen's Medical Center. My husband is scheduled for open heart surgery to repair/replace a mitral valve on Friday morning.

I am asking for prayers: 1) For the Lord's guidance in the operating room, for the surgeon and his team. 2) That his immune system would be heightened during this time so he is able to heal quickly.

Thank you faithful prayer warriors.

Abba Father, Praise thee for your most glorious Goodness and Mercy. How amazingly You take our right hand and walk us through our lives day by day. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ as she lives out her life. Oh, Lord when she is surprised or shocked at something may she remember that You are not. You are carrying her through this situation. Oh Lord how beautiful are your tender mercies. May she witness Your miraculous blessings upon her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Seeing the Miraculous,


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