Wednesday, April 18, 2012

24 Hours - Psalm 118:24

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Here I sit at my computer, it is early morning, the birds are just beginning their morning songs and the morning breeze has yet to come. I am looking out my window and the shadows of java finches landing on the palm fronds is a wake up call to me that the morning is beginning. I am just now starting my morning and for most of you the day is already past the noon hour or fast approaching. A day - something we all take for granted - I know I do. I go to sleep knowing that I will wake up the next morning and start again. Twenty four hours and counting.

My days are beginning to get back to normal. My husband is recovering well and I am back at work. Six weeks seems like a long time but when I take it one day at a time and TRUST in the One who made the day, I am able to look back and say, Thank You Lord.

It is written, This day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

I know not what will happen, I know not how it will end, but I do know that You have made this day. And in order for me to live this life in abundance I must rejoice and be glad in it.

Abba Father, Praise thee for this day. Thank You that this is a day that You have planned and purposed. Lord I pray for Your abundant and rich blessings to be poured into the hearts of these very precious and dear sisters-in-Christ today. Lord many of them are anxious - may Your Peace quiet them, many of them are hurting - may Your healing balm soothe them, many of them are tired and weary - may Your Presence surround them, and many of them are in need - may Your Provision overflow. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Living This Day,


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