Wednesday, January 18, 2012

His Pure Delight

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

On Sunday I got the opportunity to once again see things through the eyes of someone who is experiencing something for the very first time. The things that I take for granted and some of them I have not done in a long time. It reminded me of how often I just go through the routine of doing something not realizing that it is a privilege to be able to do. My brother is visiting from California and he has been told that all of his cancer has returned so life for him is becoming more and more precious. There are things that he desires to do and one of them was snorkeling. So Sunday morning we suited up and took him to our favorite place to snorkel. We call it two step. We were out about 45 minutes and when we came in, oh how I wish the expression on his face could have been captured on film. It was one of pure delight!!

He is a new believer also and it is the same expression when he talks about Jesus.

Abba Father, oh most Sovereign Lord, thank You that it is You alone who fills us with such delight. Praise You for Your Amazing Tender Mercies which are deep and wide and so abundant that our cup runneth over. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ today that she would be filled with such pure delight because she is Your precious child that all You have planned and purposed in her life she can TRUST that it will be accomplished. In Jesus Name, Amen.

As a post script - I would like to say that I am praying also for a speedy recovery for Zac.

Enjoying His Pure Delight,


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