Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Enjoying the Messy Parts

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This morning I placed my fingertips upon the keyboard, took a deep breath in and as I exhaled, I prayed - Holy Spirit guide my thoughts as I write to these dear and precious sisters. Pausing I await His leading -- Come daughters of the Living King, the bridegroom awaits for He is coming for His bride the church. Maidens of oil lamps prepare for the marriage of the Lamb.

I recently watched a film, Letters to Juliet, and there was one particular line that I really could relate too. The scene was them approaching a villa and the statement made by the grandson was something like this, Great, you get to meet the guy who used to work the fields and now owns them and you get to miss all the messy parts, the grandmother's reply, "Life is the messy parts!" Oh, how true, how very true, life is indeed the messy parts. And without those messy parts how can we ever know/imagine/feel/experience the Glorious, Magnificent, Gracious, and Beautiful Love of Our Heavenly Father.

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your Most Gracious Love and Abundant Mercy that You Bless us with each and every day.
Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that for each day that has the messy parts of life she would be blessed with an extra measure of Your Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love so that she is able to know, imagine, feel, and experience the Glorious and Magnificent and Gracious and Beautiful Love of her Savior Jesus Christ who is coming for His Bride, the church. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Enjoying the messy parts,


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