Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Long Pause

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is the last Wednesday of November and as many of you recall on the first Wednesday I gave a challenge. I do hope that your rewards abounded more in the midst of the challenges for all of you. This being the last day of the month of giving thanks and before we enter the next month I would like to pause. And I would like it to be a long pause, taking in the deepest breath possible and holding it for as long as possible and as I do, may I remember and marvel.

May I remember the moments when my breath was stopped by the hearing of a diagnosis from a doctor, or of an accident of a close friend, or of a tragedy caused by a senseless act.

May I marvel at the moments when my breath was stopped by the revealed Glory and Sovereign Presence of the Living Word, Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your Revealed Glory and for Your Sovereign Presence. Lord I pray for each sister-in-Christ that as she remembers the breath stopping moments in her life and cried out to Jesus Christ that she would marvel at the breath stopping moments when by Your Living Word, Jesus Christ, You poured out so abundantly Your most Precious Tender Mercies. In Jesus Name, Amen

God's Blessings to all,


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