Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Blessed Thanksgiving

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Tomorrow is a great of remembering, reminding and rejoicing. How marvelous that it is usually centered around a table with food. A coming together of people. It might be with people you interact with each day or first time meeting. Of course it begins with the preparation time. Purchasing just the right foods, if you are cooking it yourself and if a potluck then organizing who will bring what to complete the offerings.

Many of you will be with family, (parents, siblings, grandparents, and in-laws), or with friends and acquaintances.

Whomever you are with and however you celebrate Thanksgiving may it be a day to remember the past and how Gracious and Merciful our Heavenly Father is towards His children. Remind yourself and others of how Faithful and Mighty are His Ways and most of all rejoice in knowing that in the midst of the gathering is our Abba Father. "For where two or three have gathered together in My Name, I am there the midst" Matthew 18:20 (NASB).

May each and every one present at the table have a God-filled and God Blessed day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Blessed Thanksgiving to all my sisters and brothers-in Christ.


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