Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting to Know Him Day by Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Another Wednesday has arrived and first thoughts of the day begin with thoughts of all of you. A special day set aside each week to share my life. Today I thought I would tell you about my passion for the Lord. It seems that I have always known Him. As a child of 4 my mother tells of my conversation with Jesus. In my turbulent teens He became my Savior, saving me even from myself. In my 20's and 30's circumstances and difficulties were more intense and the Holy Spirit became real and evident. In my 40's and 50's He drew me into a deeper understanding of His Faithfulness and Love as I faced different challenges bringing me to my knees. I am now in my 60's, just barely, and now He is beginning to teach me about His Grace.

I don't know all the reasons and I don't know all the answers. I do know this one thing - His Grace is Sufficient!!

He is hearing my prayers,
He is blessing me each and every moment,
His tender mercies are new everyday
He is Faithful
He is my Abba Father

Abba Father, Praise thee, oh how I worship thee and bow down. Oh most Sovereign Lord, I pray for each sister-in-Christ that she walk out her day rejoicing. That in her life today You would be Glorified. I pray that she would know Your Love for her, that she would know Your Faithfulness, and that she would know Your Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Getting to Know Him Day by Day


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