Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting to Know Him Day by Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Another Wednesday has arrived and first thoughts of the day begin with thoughts of all of you. A special day set aside each week to share my life. Today I thought I would tell you about my passion for the Lord. It seems that I have always known Him. As a child of 4 my mother tells of my conversation with Jesus. In my turbulent teens He became my Savior, saving me even from myself. In my 20's and 30's circumstances and difficulties were more intense and the Holy Spirit became real and evident. In my 40's and 50's He drew me into a deeper understanding of His Faithfulness and Love as I faced different challenges bringing me to my knees. I am now in my 60's, just barely, and now He is beginning to teach me about His Grace.

I don't know all the reasons and I don't know all the answers. I do know this one thing - His Grace is Sufficient!!

He is hearing my prayers,
He is blessing me each and every moment,
His tender mercies are new everyday
He is Faithful
He is my Abba Father

Abba Father, Praise thee, oh how I worship thee and bow down. Oh most Sovereign Lord, I pray for each sister-in-Christ that she walk out her day rejoicing. That in her life today You would be Glorified. I pray that she would know Your Love for her, that she would know Your Faithfulness, and that she would know Your Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Getting to Know Him Day by Day

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It"s Just Amazing

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I don't know how He does it or even if I really want to know. God is Amazing!! For the past three weeks I have literally taken my house apart looking for a pair of earrings that I received as a gift from my adorable husband a few years back. I have several pairs of earrings and other jewelry but these were extra special because it was a gift given in love. It was not given on my birthday or anniversary or Christmas or Valentine's Day. Now don't get me wrong I know that those are also given with much thought and his love for me too, it is that this pair of earrings were special and I thought that they were lost. Talking to God about them, I gave up looking last weekend resigning myself to the fact that they were gone. I also realized that even though they were gone I still had my vivid memory of when I received them and that would be enough. Then, this morning, it's just amazing!! There they lay in a little jar - I had looked in all my little pottery jars. I thanked God that He had put them there because it is the only reason I can give.

Abba Father, how Amazing is Your Love, how Marvelous is Your Kindness, how Sovereign is Your Mercy and how Powerful is Your Grace. Once was lost has now been found!! Oh, LORD only You know what has been lost in each of these precious sisters-in-Christ hearts and minds and souls. Oh LORD may they place their trust in You this day and may what was lost be found. May You reveal the mysteries untold and anoint them with Your Joy and Hope and Love. Lord You Are All. I pray that each of you would trust and know that Your Abba Father loves You and it's just amazing!! In Jesus Name, Amen.

This post is dedicated to Gail Barley, a dear and precious sister-in-Christ who is now rejoicing with the saints and singing praises to the King of kings and Lord of lords in Heaven.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Little Things in Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I thank God for the little things in life (the seemingly inconsequential moments and words and actions). Psalm 32:8 It is written, "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye." There is nothing, absolutely nothing inconsequential with the Lord. How can I not be totally and utterly amazed each and every moment of every day when my God instructs and guides me. WOW!!

Sisters-in-Christ, may we in one accord take hold of this truth that with the first breath of the morning until the last deep yawn at night our Heavenly and Sovereign Lord is instructing and guiding you and me.

Abba Father, Your tender mercies for today are all that my finite mind is able to even imagine, I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that for today she take hold of Your Tender Mercies and allow Your Power and Peace to reign in her heart and mind and soul as she walks with You this day. May she be amazed at Your Presence in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thanking God for you,

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last Sunday I was able to spend some very most needed and precious time with two dear sisters-in-Christ. I was reminded of the many scenes depicted in movies where women get together and be little girls again. My days of late have been caught up in so many different things that don't even need to be there. I have placed them of importance in my life only I have done this. On Sunday I was in the presence of two other women who bring out the best in me and reminded me once again what is the main thing. Our conversations were about our concerns, of course, but in the end God was in our midst.

Abba Father, Praise thee for sisters and brothers-in-Christ who walk alongside us in our everyday lives. Those who build us up and encourage us and even stretch us to TRUST You more fully. Thank You for the times of refreshing when fellow believers who have walked the journey join with each other and share the most marvelous truths from Your Word. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would just "be still and know that You are God". In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Gathering

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My visit to the mainland seemed to be a walk back in time. My parents, two of my four brothers, relations and friends coming from every part of the state to visit. Yes a big family and each moment was enjoyed to the fullest. Each receiving and giving of their time to just sit a spell and gab. With the greeting of a hug and a sorting of who would be sitting where the conversations would begin. Each taking a turn sharing things of the past, things hoped for in the future and ending with how it was going for each one right now. Each day was so very unique and filled to the brim with love and laughter. It was like a big gathering where people came together and were comfortable enough just to be and enjoy each other's presence.

Abba Father, Praise you for how very Great and Marvelous thou art. Hallelujah to the God who will someday gather all of Your Children. How magnificent are Your Ways beyond our understanding. How tenderly and sweetly You gather Your children. Oh most Sovereign LORD, I pray for each sister-in-Christ today that You would guide her and lead her - that You would light her path blessing her with Your favor for what lies ahead. Fill her with Your Joy and with Faith that can move mountains. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,