Wednesday, November 24, 2010

May It Be A Blessed Thanksgiving

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Every once in a while during the late fall the weather is just right for sleeping in. The night is quiet, the air is cool and as you wrap yourself around your blanket and lay your head on the pillow your slumber is priceless. Last night was one of those nights. I slept and I slept, my body did not even wake me up until an hour and a half past my normal time. And it had to be a Wednesday morning instead of a Saturday. So I have jump started my day, what can I leave out of my morning? This time with you, no way, our conversations can not be jump started or hurried in any way. How many times have I slept in missing something or even skipping something that was important to God. How many times in the course of my day have I hurried through something that God was trying to show me.

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your blessings of sleep and for your blessings of activities, oh Lord I pray that I use them both wisely. Lord I ask for Your Peace and Your Presence to rest upon each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this Thanksgiving. I pray that as they prepare the meals that the kitchen is filled with laughter, I pray that as each family gathers together that Your Blessings and Your Favor would fill the room. May this Thanksgiving be a testimony to Your Gentleness and Kindness and Mercy. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May It Be A Blessed Thanksgiving,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moments of the Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have a small desk calendar that sits on the right side of my desk where I can periodically look at it throughout my day. It is a Thomas Kindade calendar and each day it has a painting or a bible verse or a saying. Yesterday's read, "Every moment of every day is yours." When I read it first thing in the morning I reflected on this fact and sighed. The hustle and bustle of the day commenced with several hectic situations and unanswered questions needing attention. Around 3:00 I was once again at my desk answering some emails and glanced at the calendar. I immediately began to laugh, my co-worker turned to me and asked what was so funny. After I read her the little quip, her response was, "Well we know that didn't happen". Yesterday was not a day that I could honestly say that every moment of every day is yours (mine). My question to myself is, "How can I see that every moment of every day is mine?"

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your Tender Mercies. Thank you Lord for the every day moments. Praise You for the day you have made and may I thank you for this day and be glad. Oh, most Sovereign Lord, creator of the day and night, creator of the minute and the hour, I pray for each precious sister-In-Christ that she be filled with Your Joy and Hope and Peace every moment of every day which You have given her to live it abundantly and fully blessed by Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Living One Moment at a Time,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Looking at Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My Monday started out with experiencing a new level of frustration. My bank had been announcing a new website - that it was coming and I was assured that I could feel very secure in knowing that my money was safe. Since I sincerely believed them I did nothing until the unveiling on Monday. So as usual on Monday morning I'm checking it out. And ..., I tried calling the number on the website for help on Monday and on Tuesday. The various times I tried throughout the day I was placed on hold listening to music while the generated voice kept saying,"all our representatives are helping other customers, please remain on hold." Last night I was reading some of my past emails and found the one that gave me the directions. I followed them and now I'm up and running. My question to self was: how did I miss that email from the previous week? Had I just looked at the website and believed what they said which was not to be concerned because nothing would change. Yes it was the later. I experienced two days of frustration because I missed seeing the email from the previous week. Now you probably wonder how I can apply this to living my life in the freedom of Christ. My lesson - there is God's way of looking at things and then there is man's (me). I don't want to miss a single iota of His whispers.

Abba Father, thank You for Your most precious promises. Thank you that You always are guiding and directing our lives in the most glorious and intimate of ways. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would see the Glory, hear the Whispers, feel the Presence, ponder the Precious Words and Rejoice in the fact that she is the daughter of the Sovereign GOD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Being Repotted and Being Changed

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This past weekend we (DH and me) created something new. There was a short section between the garage/storage shed and the house where gravel had been laid down. It seemed to be a place to grow Anthiriums and Orchids. We talked about how to do it and last weekend it got done. On Saturday we stapled the green and beige screens on the beams and on Sunday plants were repotted and strategically placed in the shaded areas for maximum health. On Sunday while repotting was my day to consider my choices. The first being which pot to use, the second was how to trim the plant and the third was where to place it in the breezeway. I spent all day with my choices. Some of the plants were so root bound I did not even know how they were still growing. Another the leaves had been eaten by a bug and only one leaf was still hanging on. And then God revealed, remember when you were so root bound, remember when you had been eaten and barely hanging on, remember when you were removed from one place to another. God is so Amazing, His Loving Kindness, His Tender Mercies.

Abba Father, oh Most Sovereign LORD, there is none like thee. How Great is Your Saving Grace. How Beautiful Thou Art. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today oh Lord that she would know the Miracle of YOU, the Beauty of YOU, the Kindness of YOU and even more that she would stand in AWE of YOU. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Being Repotted and Being Changed,