Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Looking at Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My Monday started out with experiencing a new level of frustration. My bank had been announcing a new website - that it was coming and I was assured that I could feel very secure in knowing that my money was safe. Since I sincerely believed them I did nothing until the unveiling on Monday. So as usual on Monday morning I'm checking it out. And ..., I tried calling the number on the website for help on Monday and on Tuesday. The various times I tried throughout the day I was placed on hold listening to music while the generated voice kept saying,"all our representatives are helping other customers, please remain on hold." Last night I was reading some of my past emails and found the one that gave me the directions. I followed them and now I'm up and running. My question to self was: how did I miss that email from the previous week? Had I just looked at the website and believed what they said which was not to be concerned because nothing would change. Yes it was the later. I experienced two days of frustration because I missed seeing the email from the previous week. Now you probably wonder how I can apply this to living my life in the freedom of Christ. My lesson - there is God's way of looking at things and then there is man's (me). I don't want to miss a single iota of His whispers.

Abba Father, thank You for Your most precious promises. Thank you that You always are guiding and directing our lives in the most glorious and intimate of ways. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would see the Glory, hear the Whispers, feel the Presence, ponder the Precious Words and Rejoice in the fact that she is the daughter of the Sovereign GOD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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