Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moments of the Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have a small desk calendar that sits on the right side of my desk where I can periodically look at it throughout my day. It is a Thomas Kindade calendar and each day it has a painting or a bible verse or a saying. Yesterday's read, "Every moment of every day is yours." When I read it first thing in the morning I reflected on this fact and sighed. The hustle and bustle of the day commenced with several hectic situations and unanswered questions needing attention. Around 3:00 I was once again at my desk answering some emails and glanced at the calendar. I immediately began to laugh, my co-worker turned to me and asked what was so funny. After I read her the little quip, her response was, "Well we know that didn't happen". Yesterday was not a day that I could honestly say that every moment of every day is yours (mine). My question to myself is, "How can I see that every moment of every day is mine?"

Abba Father, Praise thee for Your Tender Mercies. Thank you Lord for the every day moments. Praise You for the day you have made and may I thank you for this day and be glad. Oh, most Sovereign Lord, creator of the day and night, creator of the minute and the hour, I pray for each precious sister-In-Christ that she be filled with Your Joy and Hope and Peace every moment of every day which You have given her to live it abundantly and fully blessed by Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Living One Moment at a Time,


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