Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Wednesday Afternoon

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that your week is going well. For the last few years my Wednesday's start out with sharing a prayer with you lovely ladies - then off to work for the morning only because my office closes at noon on Wednesday. I then have all afternoon to do whatever!
Now this is the fun part -- the whatever!! I value my Wednesday afternoon, unlike the weekend, it is a special afternoon just for me and what the Lord has planned and purposed. Yes, He does plan it for me. Whether it is visiting a friend, or having lunch with a friend or going to the dentist/doctor, or shopping, or just relaxing it is an afternoon that the Lord plans. And that is why the whatever is so amazing and surprising and exciting.

Abba Father, thank you for each day filled with Your tender mercies. Praise thee for Your Goodness and Kindness. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would have a special time set aside where You do all the planning and fulfilling the purposes in each of their lives. May it be a day in which they are amazed by Your Love, surprised by Your Joy and Excited to be in Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen

Being Amazed, Surprised and Excited by HIM,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have my cup of tea with honey added and am sitting down waiting to hear what God has to say to all of you. Each one of you is so very precious to Abba Father and only He knows the hidden things of the heart. Only He speaks into each heart when I come before His throne of Grace each Wednesday morning. Being able to communicate to each of you on Wednesday mornings is something that I have come to treasure more and more. In fact, these past 9 years of living in Hawaii has changed many ways in which I communicate. For family and friends it is either by phone or internet. Hardly do I post letters anymore - just short clips - which seems to leave something out of the communicating I think but then again life for me has slowed down considerably and their lives are still in raising families. And for some of you it is the same situation. Isn't it wonderful that our Abba Father communicates with us, hears our hearts and is always, always and forever listening and desiring to have us come to Him.

Abba Father, How precious, how priceless is Your unfailing Love. It is what binds us all together, it is what sustains us and keeps us. O most Sovereign Lord, thank You that You hear our hearts, the deep down groans that only You hear as we live out our lives. Abba, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today is the day that Your JOY and HOPE and LOVE overflows into her life. In every circumstance where all she sees is sadness may the Father's JOY overflow. In every situation where all she sees is hopelessness may the Father's HOPE overflow. And in every thought where all she hears is guilt and shame may the Father's LOVE overflow. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May the Overflowing Begin,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The pictures have been hung on the wall, the books are aligned on the bookshelves, the baskets have been filled with the papers, pens and assorted items, and the knick-knacks all placed on the shelves. My room is complete. It took me a little longer to get it done because I was distracted by the beauty of the outside of the house. It is like God placed me here to tend to the outside. By that I mean, on my knees removing and uprooting that which is of no use. Where centipedes, spiders and ants gather in abundance. As I uproot the weeds God reminds me of how destructive sin is in our lives. As I grab the weed to remove it I find that the tentacles of the weed extends farther than I had ever realized. God reveals much!! To me the transformation of the yard is amazing. For me, God knows my heart and my desire is to be obedient to Him.

Abba Father, how glorious how mighty is our LORD, who is a Jealous God. Praise thee and Glorify thy name. Above all that we know and understand You are Great and Greatly to be Praised. Most Sovereign Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she be clothed in Your righteousness and walk in Your Boldness and Confidence that she is the daughter of the King. How magnificently You favor each one. How beautifully You have created each one. How wonderfully You direct each one. May Your Love, oh LORD, be of the utmost in each dear and precious sister-in-Christ.

Praise thee, Praise the

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

October - Awaiting the Miracle

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am so excited about this month - from the 1st until the 31st -even though it is only day 6!! It is as if God whispered, "Let me open your eyes and unplug your ears to hear what I have planned and purposed for each 24 hour day. Trust me for you have waited upon me, my daughter." So there it is - my reason for this (jumping up and down) expectancy. Each and every morning I wake up and await the miracle.

Abba Father, Glorious and Magnificent and Amazing. How Great Are Your Gifts. I pray for the gift of FAITH to KNOW. Abba, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that today she would KNOW Your JOY, Your HOPE, Your PEACE but most of all that she would KNOW Your LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Open Wide,