Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The pictures have been hung on the wall, the books are aligned on the bookshelves, the baskets have been filled with the papers, pens and assorted items, and the knick-knacks all placed on the shelves. My room is complete. It took me a little longer to get it done because I was distracted by the beauty of the outside of the house. It is like God placed me here to tend to the outside. By that I mean, on my knees removing and uprooting that which is of no use. Where centipedes, spiders and ants gather in abundance. As I uproot the weeds God reminds me of how destructive sin is in our lives. As I grab the weed to remove it I find that the tentacles of the weed extends farther than I had ever realized. God reveals much!! To me the transformation of the yard is amazing. For me, God knows my heart and my desire is to be obedient to Him.

Abba Father, how glorious how mighty is our LORD, who is a Jealous God. Praise thee and Glorify thy name. Above all that we know and understand You are Great and Greatly to be Praised. Most Sovereign Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she be clothed in Your righteousness and walk in Your Boldness and Confidence that she is the daughter of the King. How magnificently You favor each one. How beautifully You have created each one. How wonderfully You direct each one. May Your Love, oh LORD, be of the utmost in each dear and precious sister-in-Christ.

Praise thee, Praise the


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