Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Packing and Moving

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

We are once again packing our belongings and moving to a new location. Not to far from here but still some things need to be packed so that they are safe when being moved from place to place. I often wonder what we pack in our minds to keep safe while we go from one circumstance to another. I know that one thing I pack securely is my keepsakes. Even though I rarely take them out of my corner cabinet they are still my keepsakes and I tenderly wrap them in paper and place in the box, mark it fragile and hope that it gets to the place safely. In fact, I will probably take the box myself. Keepsakes, whether they are tangible or not we all have them. Certain items that we refuse to give up because they remind us of something special and wonderful.

Abba Father, thank You for all the Promises, the keepsakes, the tender mercies You give each and every day. Twenty four hours of tender mercies. Oh Lord I pray that we not allow doubt or fear to keep us from unpacking the Promises, the Gifts and the Blessings that You have planned and purposed in the lives of these precious sisters-in-Christ. That they no longer store in the mind but may these Promises and Gifts go deep into the Heart that they are able to boldly proclaim the "Good News", the Gospel, the Truth. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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