Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I do not know how many of you enjoy the communication that the internet affords many people. I'm talking mainly about FaceBook (FB). I do enjoy it because I am able to keep up in part with how family and friends are doing. My daughter posed a question on FB the other day. I'm paraphrasing - which superpower would you like to have? There were several responses and the majority of them were time travel. My response was to stop time. It seems that time is top priority these days, TIME, whether to go back or forward in time or to stop it all together. Twenty-four hours, one second at a time and it just keeps ticking endlessly, day after day. What I find so utterly amazing is that our Sovereign Lord spoke and time as we know it came into existence. The day and the night the sun and the moon. Since HE spoke it into existence and HE promises that HIS tender mercies will be given new each day, I need no longer be anxious about time.

Abba Father, how Amazing is Your Love, I stand in awe of the one who made it all. LORD, I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that this 24 hours of her life will be blessed by Your Love. And that nothing else in her life will cause her to be anxious. May she trust in You Abba Father for all. I pray that she cling to the Promises and remain in Your Love and be renewed. May she allow Your tender mercies to flow through her and upon her and worship You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Enjoying time,


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