Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don't Blink - You Might Miss It

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Our God is so Good. I am in Awe of how mightily He loves. The seed is planted and goes unnoticed because it is buried deep within and as you look each day it seems that nothing is happening and then all of a sudden it was as if you had blinked and missed it because it just suddenly appears. O, most Sovereign Lord how you richly bless in so many ways and yet it is as if we blinked and missed it and we just keep going forgetting that You are the one to be glorified in every way and in every circumstance.

Abba, Father, thank You and praise You for Your Goodness and Mercy and Grace. How richly You bless Your children. Lord I pray for each sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that she would come before Your Throne of Grace and not blink. Open her eyes to see Your Glory and may she take what she has seen and begin to Praise thee from deep within and forever by changed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Trying Not to Blink,


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