Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Are You a Martha or Mary or Psalm 31 Mom?

Greetings dearest and most precious sisters-in-Christ,

Sunday being Mother's Day I thought I would get a little personal and write about my mom and being a mom. Since all of us have or had a mom you can fill in your own responses. As for me -

My mom can outdo me in all things - she is simply amazing in all that she does and the love that she gives is beautiful.

Being a mom - at all times I have thrown in the towel and surrendered. LORD, what do I do now? And that is how I got this far!

Abba Father, thank you that I have been blessed with a wonderful mom and thank you that I have been blessed with three marvelous children to raise and nurture in Your Strength alone. Thank you that I will see my precious child that I lost, one day in heaven. LORD I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ today - may she know that being a woman of God is Your desire whether she is blessed to have children of her own or still waiting and praying for a child. Oh Lord for those who have lost a child I pray that one day she will know the answer to the "why". Lord I pray for Your JOY and Your LOVE to abide in their hearts and minds and souls this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,


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