Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Philippines 4:19 - How Vast is HIS Supply

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that all of you are anticipating the arrival of Spring, after all these wintry months. These past few months have brought many challenges to all of us. Weather challenges, health challenges, relationship challenges, and not knowing from day to day challenges. And with these challenges comes promises. Yes God's Promises. He calms the storms, He heals the sick and infirmed, He's our Friend who never leaves us nor forsakes us and He is the One who directs our steps. YES, JESUS!!

How Vast is HIS Supply. And just as the flowers will come up though the snow, the buds will appear on the branch, the warm wind will begin to blow, and all of Nature will Sing GOD will Supply.

Abba Father, How Great is Your Name, I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ will call upon the Name of Jesus and Your Promise will be to supply all her needs. (Philippines 4:19). Thank you oh most Sovereign Lord that You Will. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I'm Standing on this Promise,


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