Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Are You Sure About This?

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have been experiencing some pain in my lower back and after seeing my chiropractor I decided that a massage was in order. And last night was my appointment. After explaining to the massage therapist just where I was experiencing the most discomfort he began. He applied the pressure and massaged and stretched my legs and joints in all different directions. I got to thinking about this mornings prayer time with all of you and about my massage. This is just like how the Lord is with me. I come before Him and tell Him where the pain is and give it to Him. He applies the pressure and stretches me. If I trusted this massage therapist to not injure me or do anything that would cause further pain how much more I can trust my Heavenly Father, the Sovereign Lord of my life to take care of me and my situation or crisis or hurt.

Abba Father, thank you that You are my Yes and Amen. Thank you that You know the number of hairs on my head and that I am Your child. I pray for each sister-in-Christ this day and this week that Your promises of peace, protection, power, and provision would be evident in her life as she continually leans not on her own understanding but trusts completely in the knowledge that she is deeply loved by You Abba Father. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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