Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Pebbles, Stones, Rocks - Tangible Nuggets of Truth

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Pebbles, stones, rocks - tangible nuggets of Truth. Whenever I have the opportunity I take a pebble or stone or rock from a waterbed or shoreside or even roadside area. I realized I would do this as a remembrance of being in that place. And this morning I was picturing David as he collected the five stones - were they perhaps his nuggets of Truth. As he picked up each one did God bring to his mind, Job 42:2, or Luke 18:27, or Dan 4:35, or Isa 43:13 or 2 Chron. 32:7. I wonder which nugget of Truth he threw at the enemy?

Sisters-in-Christ God has provided each of us with pebbles, stones, rocks - these tangible nuggets of Truth that we are able to use to slay the enemy and to keep us from stumbling for Jesus is the ROCK of our Salvation.

Abba Father, unto thee do I come this day being reminded of the many times that I have sought solice or desire and You have covered me with Your Mercy and Grace. I thank You Father for delivering me everyday from the enemy. I thank You that everyday is a new day filled with tender mercies. Lord, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today seek those tangible nuggets of Truth that You have promised and use them to build up the body of Christ that she may win the Race which is set before her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

A collector of pebbles and stones, and rocks,


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