Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just To Be

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Greetings to you this Thanksgiving Eve, is there actually a Thanksgiving Eve? This morning I started the day with my usual routine of opening the curtains and the door to welcome in the daylight. As I opened the front door I just happened to look up and the pre dawn sky caught my eye. I went to the counter and picked up my glasses and went outside. The stars were so close that I thought I could reach up and touch them. There I stood for several minutes. I was content just to be. Which leads me to my reason to be thankful this week. I am so thankful just to be in His Presence, safe and secure. The hustle and bustle has begun and there is no stopping it but there are precious moments in our lives when we know in our Spirit we are in the just to be place.

Abba Father, Thank you Heavenly Father for Your Presence, for You are Mighty in Power, Tender are Your Mercies and to Wonderful for words. My heart cries out to thee today, just to be in Your Presence. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she begins her routine of the day, especially in the days ahead that she would know and rest in the knowledge that she is Loved by the King and desire above all just to be in Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May each of you and your loved ones have a Blessed Thanksgiving,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thankful for Time

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Two weeks ago a newly hired co worker and one that I had worked with in a previous job told me that her husband of 38 years was told by his doctor that he has 3-6 months to live. I gave her a big big hug and told her that I was sorry and that I would be praying for her.

That evening I looked at my husband of over 39 years and wondered to myself what I would do if that were to happen. I next got up and gave him a big hug and kiss and told him I loved him. Naturally, his reply was what's that for. I then told him about my co worker.

Each day at work now I reach out to her either by a touch on the shoulder or a reassuring smile or just stand by her so she knows that she is not alone and I will continue to pray for her and her husband. So today I am thankful for time. Yes, time, how gracious our God is for 24 hours and just as with my co-worker who now takes advantage of every moment of time with her husband because it is running out. I to am thankful for each moment of time because it is the same with me, it is running out.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for each twenty-four hour day which you say in your Word is filled with Your tender mercies. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that for today she will Trust in Your Promises which You perfect and complete in Your time. May they live each twenty-four hour day with the complete confidence that Your love is what sustains them. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thankful for Time,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Attention to Detail

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

While preparing for this post and waiting for the hot pot to heat up my mind began to wander about what I was thankful for this week. I began to remember how much I enjoyed being in Italy. The experience to me was life changing - at the time I even considered the possibility of losing my passport so I could stay. And thinking back to me it was all the little things that seemed to fit. It seemed that everywhere I went that it was the little things that brought the whole picture into focus. When I got home I looked around and because of a matter of convenience we no longer have the little details in life. We no longer seem to pay attention to detail because if it isn't right there right now why bother. So for this week I am very thankful that my God and your God is a God who places things in our lives and His attention to detail, every intimate detail is forever and He is Faithful.

Abba Father, How Glorious, How Rich, How Beautiful and How Tender thou art. Lord, how glorious is Your Glory, how rich is Your Faithfulness, how Beautiful is Your Song, and how Tender are your Mercies. Thank You Abba for Your Love, Your Hope, Your Joy, precious gifts that the Holy Spirit reveals to us drawing us into a deeper relationship with You. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she may see Your goodness and kindness and may they see Your attention to details of their lives. In Jesus Name,

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Thankful for His Presence

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Already the month of November and during this month of thanksgiving my first Wednesday posting is to be thankful that I can come before the Presence of the Lord. And in His Presence no words need to be spoken and the quiet there is very welcoming to my mind and to my ears. For in the hustle and bustle of this day I will to quickly forget this simple, profound and unspeakable gift which He has given us, His children.

Abba Father,

Here I am again, oh Sovereign Lord, coming into Your Presence and desiring to just sit. I desire none other and want nothing else. Thank You Abba for Your Presence, I pray that each of these dear and precious sisters-in-Christ would know it, feel it, experience it, desire it above all else, Your Presence. Lord, In Your Presence no words are needed. Lord I pray that Your Presence would surround each one and fill them up to overflowing this day and in the days ahead. Your Presence is more than Enough oh most Sovereign Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen

In His Presence,