Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Birthday, Invitation and Prayer

Greetings to my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is a BIRTHDAY for my grandson who is 6 years old. He is amazing and not only is he my grandson by flesh he is also a spiritual brother-in-Christ. He asked Jesus into his heart and his life last year. God has plans and purposes for him and I am constantly amazed at his observations. Happy Birthday James.

I was extended an INVITATION to participate in writing a novel - taking the month of November to write a novel. I have always desired to write but have ALWAYS had excuses as to why this was an impossible task to pursue. Well here I am with the invite which comes right along with something that the Lord had been impressing upon me these past few months, just write, write, write. So for the month of November that is what I am going to do. I will post the website at the end of this post for anyone who might be interested in doing this and/or keeping me on track.

My PRAYER: Abba Father, thank You for today. Thank You that this day is like no other day before and after. Thank You that Your Power and Provision and Purpose and Plans and Peace and Presence is all given this day. Lord the sun has risen and may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ live this day to the fullest with a boldness and confidence in knowing that she is deeply loved and intimately known by the Sovereign I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Deeply Loved and Intimately Known,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Am Not Taking It Back


The sounds of morning - the waves crashing , the birds singing, the faint color of light appears in the sky and my day has begun and I come to hear the one sound - The voice of my King.

There is an old movie which aired in the 1980's, "The Goonies." About some teenage kids who are in pursuit of the hidden pirate's treasure. In one of the scenes they tumble down a water slide into a cave and land in water and they hear the sound of dripping water. There are some coins in the water and they think it is the treasure only to discover that it is the town's old wishing well. The main character grabs hold of the coin and states, "This was my wish and it didn't come true so I am taking it back."

Precious sisters-in-Christ, my prayer is that you do not take back - your hope, your dream, your need, your whispered prayer to the King. It was heard. You have voiced it again and again. And unlike the coins which are tossed into the wishing well our wish when tossed is heard by the I AM. GOD. He created the waters and set the boundaries, he created the birds to take flight and the songs they sing, He takes care of the sparrow. He created the LIGHT, one for the morning and one for the night.

Abba Father, thank You for this day and every thing that is in it. You are Good and Merciful and Mighty and You say over and over again that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day she would know that the great I AM her Father in Heaven absolutely and completely and unconditionally adores her and desires that she walk in the Beauty and Fragrance of You in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The word "wait" seems to have taken on a whole new manner - for some it has become a four letter word, something that should be not said. The word "wait" to some brings thoughts of, I asked and did not get an answer or I asked and the answer was no.

I looked up "wait" in the dictionary and there were so many different definitions that I decided not to list them here. I then did a bible reference search for the word "wait" and once again I found numerous passages so I have decided to give 5 nuggets of Truth today.

Genesis 49:18, Ruth 3:18, Isaiah 8:17, Isaiah 64:4 and Romans 8:25 (NASB)

I have also decided that for me the word "wait" is:

W atch
A ttentatively
I gnoring
T empation

Abba Father, Praise thee and thank You that it is the most awesome "I AM" who spoke the world into existence, who clothed Adam and Eve, who protected by a cloud during the day and by fire at night, and who provided the sacrifice. Abba Father, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day will be the day that her "wait" will be answered in the most glorious and Sovereign of ways and that her shouts of gladness and Joy will be heard in the Heavens and beyond. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I will wait,

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Pebbles, Stones, Rocks - Tangible Nuggets of Truth

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Pebbles, stones, rocks - tangible nuggets of Truth. Whenever I have the opportunity I take a pebble or stone or rock from a waterbed or shoreside or even roadside area. I realized I would do this as a remembrance of being in that place. And this morning I was picturing David as he collected the five stones - were they perhaps his nuggets of Truth. As he picked up each one did God bring to his mind, Job 42:2, or Luke 18:27, or Dan 4:35, or Isa 43:13 or 2 Chron. 32:7. I wonder which nugget of Truth he threw at the enemy?

Sisters-in-Christ God has provided each of us with pebbles, stones, rocks - these tangible nuggets of Truth that we are able to use to slay the enemy and to keep us from stumbling for Jesus is the ROCK of our Salvation.

Abba Father, unto thee do I come this day being reminded of the many times that I have sought solice or desire and You have covered me with Your Mercy and Grace. I thank You Father for delivering me everyday from the enemy. I thank You that everyday is a new day filled with tender mercies. Lord, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today seek those tangible nuggets of Truth that You have promised and use them to build up the body of Christ that she may win the Race which is set before her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

A collector of pebbles and stones, and rocks,