Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Speak LORD, for thy Servant Heareth

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

What I had expected to be the usual Sunday after church day turned out to be quite different and a very excellent one at that. I'm part of the prayer team at church which means that I am inside until right before the next service begins and my DH is outside visiting with friends. He lets me linger just a little while to touch base with a few friends who have not gone into 2nd service but then I begin to since it is about time to go. I'll look into the crowd and seeing him either nod my head or vice versa and off we go. This past Sunday we were joined by a dear friend and the conversation went this way, "We thought that instead of going kayak fishing tomorrow that we would go snorkeling today. Would you like to come?" My response was, "Are you sure?" Thinking about it later, why did I doubt that in his asking the first time that he was not being serious. I know my husband and know that he would not initially just ask me and not want me to come? How so like that I am with the Lord - I ask to hear His voice and seek to know Him more and more and then when I do my response is "Are you sure?"

Abba Father, Your are most Sovereign and Your Grace abounds victoriously. I pray for myself and for each sister-in-Christ today that when we hear Your voice calling to us and when we know that it is You that our first response will be a Samuel, "Speak LORD; for thy servant heareth" and not "Are you sure?" Lord, I pray special blessings upon each and every woman for this day and the days ahead, that Your Omnipotent Presence would surround them each moment of their day and night. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Return,


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