Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"What's the Matter?"

Greetings dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

How are you doing? Have you been informed of what will transpire in your life today? For all you list makers- how many of those tasks have been completed? Questions posed today. I have questions - it does not mean for me that I have doubts - I just have questions. Do I need the answers to those questions to better understand how strong your walk with the Lord is or have you been hearing what the Lord has been talking to you (yes you personally) about?

I remember a time when my mom used to ask me, "What's the matter?" My response was "nothing" but then I would follow that with "why?" She would say, "Just asking?" Just this little conversation would get me to thinking! It seemed that mom sure knew when I was dealing with something and either trying to ignore it and hope it would go away or try to find a way to deal with it on my own.

God's word says to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking. So this morning I'm just asking, "what's the matter?"

Abba Father, our Glorious and Magnificent LORD. The great I AM. Lord I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ this day and for the remaining days that this week contains to come before the glorious and righteous throne of Grace and ask of thee and seek thy face and knock for as long as it takes for the very gates of Heaven to be opened to reveal Your Glory. For You are high and lifted up. May each woman live in the Spirit for it is the right condition of man, and to live in the Spirit is to live with God - oh LORD may they hear You and know You and love You and delight to do Your Will. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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