Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Isaiah 32:17 - Work and Effect of Righteousness - FOREVER

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

While searching for a scripture to dwell upon this day as I wrote to all of you, Isaiah 32:17 spoke directly to me. I do so many things as routine that I forget that it is actually work. I had to do it for it to be accomplished. I had to consciously think (for me I'm sure that it is subconsciously most of the time) before it was done. In Isaiah it says the work of righteousness shall be peace - Isn't our God so amazing that He gives His peace with passes understanding and then He tells us that this is a work of righteousness. And if we will do this work He tells us that we shall receive quietness and assurance forever. Forever, not just for the moment when we are sick or in a crisis or presented with a dilemma but FOREVER. A quietness that brings such stillness to our being that we shall not be moved and an assurance to know that even in the midst of the fiery furnace we will be able to say, "our God whom we serve is able to deliver us... and He will deliver us..." But if not, be it known unto thee... that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship..." (Daniel 3:17-18)

Abba Father Praise and Glory and Honor unto thy name, how Great are You. Thank you Lord for "FOREVER" I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week that she would remember that You have promised her "FOREVER". Lord may she be able to continue her journey with You in confidence and blessed assurance that You calm the storm and You know the number of hairs on her head. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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