Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Old and The New -- ME

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This past weekend was spent at a luxurious hotel with 53 other women. What had started out as a simple thought, "let's have a Women's Retreat", God turned it into an AWESOME GOD THING. That is the only way that I can put the weekend into words. I went not know what would be and came back knowing that God is Sovereign, God is Righteous, God is in Control, and that He is Glorious. I also came back the New me. There was a worship song that we sang there and one of the verses was, "Change me from the inside out", Yep, that's what He has done!! I look the same on the outside but I know that I am changed and desire to keep changing from the INSIDE OUT. I want to also say a Thank You to the three ladies who obediently listened to God and went forward to accomplish all that was accomplished this past weekend. I also want to thank all the wonderful, beautiful, and sweet 52 other women who came and made the retreat an experience that has changed me by getting to know you. To one person, my roommate, thank you dear and precious sister-in-Christ and dearest friend.

Abba Father, thank you that You created us and everyone of us so very special. Thank you that You do not let us stay the way we are but that You alone change us from the inside out. Thank you for special and unique friendships, thank You for delighting in us and thank You that You plan and direct our steps. Oh, most glorious and Sovereign and Righteous and Omnipotent LORD, come into each dear sisters-in-Christ's heart and soften it , come into each mind and renew it, come into each body and heal it. Bring Your Glory in a New and Awesome Way that changes, restores, renews, and brings Freedom. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,


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