Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Psalm 86:11

Greetings dear Precious Sisters-in-Christ,

It was yesterday that I was asked by a dear sister-in-Christ to pray. It was yesterday when human words were not enough. It was yesterday.

Today, Psalm 86 and specifically 8:11, "Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name." It is today that I must lean not on my own understanding but ask of my Sovereign Lord to Teach me His Way.

Abba Father, my LORD, my Magnificent GOD, who has set the limits of the oceans, who has marked the boundaries of the earth, who has set the times. How glorious is Your righteousness and how wonderful is Your Truth. Thank you LORD, that You comfort us. Thank you that You embrace us with Your sustaining and abiding LOVE. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she walk in Your TRUTH, that she ask and keep asking, "Teach me thy way, O Lord and unite my heart to fear thy Name." In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Battlefield of Prayer

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Looking at the title you are most likely wondering? Along with reading the new testament in 90 days which my church is doing for this summer, I am still reading my other devotional that is a daily reading of the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and New Testament. I have asked the Lord for the time and He is still waking me at 5:30-5:45 am to meet with Him. The last couple of days I have been reading in the Old Testament about the seating of kings and removal of them. The Lord spoke through the prophets and told of what was to happen and it happened. Also I found that the Old Testament is a battlefield. Each step forward seems to cause 100 steps backwards. Just yesterday my reading was about how a king destroyed all the idols and magicians and temple worship and as soon as he dies his son who becomes the new king brings it all back again. Yes it is a battlefield.

I am on the battlefield of Prayer, and just this morning, June 18th reading in my Joy and Strength by Mary Wilder Tileston, an excerpt by Charles H. Brent, "Probably the greatest result of the life of prayer is an unconscious but steady growth into the knowledge of the mind of God and into conformity with His will; for after all prayer is not so much the means whereby God's will is bent to man's desires, as it is that whereby man's will is bent to God's desires." Dear sisters-in-Christ this is the battlefield - my will and God's will - my desires and God's desires. My heart's desire is to be victorious in my prayer life. To bow my heart and mind and body and offer up to my GOD my desires and my will and cry out LORD, CHANGE ME AND MOLD ME.

Heavenly Father, Glorious and Mighty LORD, Praise and Glory and Honor, how marvelous are Your Promises which You delight in blessing us Your daughters. Abba, Father I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would approach her battlefield of prayer with the full armor of God, having equipped herself with the TRUTH. I pray for her to remember the Promises, to hear the Whispers, to see the army of God, and to know her GOD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Birthday, Holiday, and Spending time with Friends

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I am a little late today because I decided to sleep-in. Yes, me, I slept until 7:00 this morning. Today is a state and county holiday, King Kamehameha Day, and some small businesses claim it as a holiday which my company did. Also it is DH birthday today and he also has the day off from work. I left the day completely open because I was not sure what he was going to do with his day. Some friends invited us to dinner and she is making the birthday cake and dinner. Another friend invited us for morning coffee and last night DH asked if I would like to take a trip down to our local and greatest snorkeling place on this side of the island, Two Step, so Yes, our day has been planned and we will be spending time together with friends and each other.

Spending time with friends and each other - there have been many birthdays in our lives when it was very hard to find the time to spend with friends and each other. Seasons of life, how each 24 hours time period continually brings into our lives something brand new - it may not seem so at the time especially if during that 24 hours there is pain or fear or worry. Yes I have been there in the midst of the valley where the thick stench of darkness seems to overwhelm to the point of hopelessness. Oh dear sister-in-Christ, lift up your head, your arms, your eyes, and shout, "I LOVE YOU LORD AND I KNOW THAT YOU LOVE ME". Our most Sovereign and Glorious LORD, delights in you - dear sweet, precious and oh so lovely you. If you could take this day and spend it with a Friend, Jesus Christ and You and Him would have each other. And what more could you ever want or need than to walk with Him and talk with Him. Come dear sister-in-Christ and spend the day in God's Embrace and Rest in the Blessed Assurance that this day, 24 hours, is time spent which will last for all eternity.

Abba Father, how Magnificent are Your Ways, how Glorious are Your Thoughts towards us, how Holy thou art. Forgive me for my drawing back from thee and for putting limits on Your Grace and Mercy. Oh most Righteous and Pure LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would choose this day whom she will serve. I pray that this day she would choose life and that it would be abundantly and passionately and gloriously filled with Your JOY and PEACE and HOPE and LOVE. Oh a LOVE that spans the limits of time. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Token of Peace

Greetings to my dearest and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The Lord blessed me so much this past weekend with a call from a dear sister-in-Christ who is in Thailand. It was only a little over half an hour call but the richness I felt afterwards to be able to pray and tell of God's Goodness and Faithfulness was so very precious to me. God is so wonderful and marvelous.

On a separate matter - I did something I was ashamed of - A few weeks back I went to the place of business where I get flowers, was met by a person who I did not know and told her what I needed and left her to pick up the flowers (my routine). As I brought the flowers up to the sales woman and told her to fax the order to my place of business - she asked for my account number. I very rudely explained to her that I had been doing this for quite some time and what was the problem(her). She offered her hand to me explaining she was the new owner. (Okay so this is what I was ashamed of) I preceded with my rudeness, turned away and left. Yikes. I did not want to go back to the store - Well, I explained the issue to my boss about the flowers so He went down to the flower shop and set up an account and told me to start going and picking up flowers again - which brings me to last Sunday. As I entered the store, I was greeted by this same woman - I told her what I needed and went to get the flowers. At the counter, I told her it was for my company - she stated she knew that - [She is still looking at me] - I knew then that I needed to apologize for my (horrid) behavior from a fews weeks back. At first she said "I don't really recall - but then she said, "let's just forget about the whole incident." And she handed me three beautiful gardenias, stating, "I would like for you to have these"

A Token of Peace, oh Lord how Gracious and Marvelous and Wonderful You Are. An apology given, an apology accepted and then something even sweeter "a token of peace."

Heavenly Father,

Hallelujah to the LORD, who reigns on High, who brings Peace. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that in her life when an apology is given that it is accepted and then something even sweeter happens. Oh Lord, I pray that this day will be the day that You will cause an abundance of Peace, Your Peace to come into the hearts and minds and souls of these precious sisters-in-Christ. May they be blessed and be a blessing to those whom You place on their hearts. Lord I pray that "a token of Peace" will be given and that Your Glory will be evident. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,