Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Visit to the Mainland and August Rush

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It seems that I have been gone from my Island for more than just the 6 days and 5 nights. While visiting my second son and his family, grandson whose 9 and granddaughter who is 7 we packed a lot in those 4 days for 2 days were travel days. Played basketball games of Horse with grandson and son, LOST. Didn't even attempt to play video games with him. Played UNO with granddaughter multiple times 10+ and LOST all but 1. And even when her and I decided that cheating was not an option she still beat me by a lot. Played with Barbie Dolls, dressed all of them (7) and styled their hair. Shopping in the malls with my daughter-in-law and just spending time talking about women stuff (precious). Watching the NBA Playoffs with my son and talking about being a dad and husband and a man (more precious), and praying for and with my children and grandchildren (eternally precious). Oh how I was all filled up with God's wonderful blessings. On the flight back the in-flight movie was August Rush - the previews looked good so I bought the headset and decided to watch. For me it was an excellent movie - my take on it -- the boy who had to play music and heard it in his head and could hear it in everything. When asked how much do you like music he said more than food. That is how I want to know my LORD and my Saviour and my Redeemer -I want to see HIM in everything and hear HIM in everything and find ways to express this passion. Also this was a gift given to this boy. God has given me a gift - it is my special gift HE alone has given me and this gift is how I express my worship and adoration for HIM. I want to know this GIFT.

Heavenly Father, our most Sovereign Lord, who created me (us) in Your Image. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would desire above all to KNOW the greatest gift ever given. Your Son Jesus Christ and HIS Redeeming Grace. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Until next week,

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where Are They


Some time ago the media ran ads - "It is 10:00 and do you know where your children are?" And many times when we are in a difficult situation we ask God, "Where are you?" If you have had a friend or family member leave unexpectedly you ask God, "I wonder where they are?" I had been asking God for several weeks and praying for a dear wonderful sister-in-Christ who had left quite unexpectedly -- I'm at work, the phone rings and on the other end of the line is a man who is inquiring about his mother's property, he gives the name of the property and I ask her name. YES, it was her son, he caught me up with all the good news and how she was doing and thanked me for sharing such wonderful things about his mom because he did not know this part of her life that much, (she lived in Hawaii about 6 months each year). Isn't God marvelous and AWESOME. And then just yesterday I received a phone call from a man, actually he called the wrong company, anyway, the Lord had placed this sister-in-Christ on my heart and I was wondering how to get in touch with her, the man gave me her number on the mainland.

Yes, dear sisters-in-Christ God knows where they are and He knows where you are.

Abba Father, our Glorious and Mighty God, our sovereign Lord who Reigns for all Eternity, with thankfulness in my heart for Your unfailing LOVE I come before Your Throne of Grace and ask for all those who are wondering where they (friends and family) are and where You are may You Reveal. And in the revealing may You restore the relationship if it was broken, may You erase the words spoken (for God only You can do that). And in the revealing may You bring to rememberance the Promises that You will never forsake Your children and that nothing, absolutely nothing will separate us from Your LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Park


Growing up in a small town has its advantages I think. We had this fabulous park. It served two purposes: During Fall, Spring and Summer it was a place to go for picnics, swimming, family get-togethers, playing. During Winter the swimming pool became a big ice skating rink and the building served hot chocolate and had places where you could get together for parties too. The park took up a whole city block so you can imagine all the things that one could do. There were places for tag football and baseball and slides and swings and teeter-toters, and then empty grassy areas with trees for picnics. My favorite place of all was the garden in the middle of the park. It had high hedges and trees surrounding it. You had to enter into it from the openings created by spaces in the hedges. This is always the picture I have in mind when I think of a walk in the garden scenes. The park people designed it well for when you did enter - it was a quiet place where you and your thoughts could meet. And that is what I would like to pray about today --

Heavenly Father, Abba, How precious is Your Word, how Precious is Your Name. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she would enter into the quiet place where You are drawing her that she and her thoughts could meet with You. As she enters into this divine, holy place may she dwell on the things of God as it is written, "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, dwell on these things." In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week

Your friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The UnSeen Becomes Tangible


This past week was a stressful one - because the unseen things (faith, trust, believe, promises) became very tangible. How the events unfolded: 1) an early morning (well not real early - on the way to work early) but still not a time when I get a call from my brother. He tells me that Dad is in the hospital again this time not his heart but he is unable to walk or talk. 2) Call mom on her cell- leave a message to call me when she can. All the unseen things kick into high gear becoming tangible - 3) Mom calls back after 2 hours with news. Dad is resting, they are doing tests but at least it was not a stroke, but for right now they do not know maybe an aneurysm or a virus; but he was very dehydrated. 4) I call some dear friends and ask them to start praying for daddy and mommy. 5) Now this is where the unseen things really kick into the high gear - and I begin to question myself BIG TIME - Is my FAITH big enough? Is my TRUST strong enough? Is my BELIEVE real enough? Are the PROMISES true enough? Will I cling to the unseen things of God? I checked with Mom each day - and on Friday daddy went home - he had a light stroke and results of the damage to the right side of the brain would be found out on Monday - I called Mom and Dad on Tuesday morning and the doctor said that there was no damage and that my daddy was just fine- Thank you Lord for blessing my dad, for favoring my dad in this situation and answering the prayers of your children.

Abba Father, our Creator and Sovereign Lord, Praise You and Worship You at all times and in all ways. Humbly I come before Your throne of Grace today asking for my sisters-in-Christ to have the unseen become tangible that they may seek the eternal and begin to knock on the doors of Your Heart which You alone open up to reveal the mysteries. Your heavenly eternal mysteries for their eyes to see, their ears to hear, and their hearts to know that You are the great I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your friend and sister-in-Christ


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday Morning Greetings

I greet you with the same greeting Paul wrote in Romans Chapter 1:7 - to all that be in Rome(wherever you are), beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ,

To set the scene - it was last Sunday - in church - the sermon was to begin. My pastor was recapping the previous lessons he had spoken to us about. I had looked to my left to acknowledge a fellow parishioner and saw him (a young man, early 20's), he was reclining in his chair which is hard to do because we have straight back chairs, legs and arms crossed, looking like he had settled in and was going to take a little catnap. My first question was why was he here at the early service (7:30 am) when he could be in bed, no folks next to him. Okay so back to the sermon part - Pastor started to tell us what he would be teaching or trying to teach us over the next 6 weeks (WISDOM) what it is and how to get it. I'm taking notes and listening and once again something catches my eye and I'm looking at the young man again. I saw an entirely different scene. Here he was - leaning forward, intently looking at the pastor and listening to every word. When the service was over I went to the front of the church as part of the prayer team and looked to see if he had left. He sat there for a few more moments - I looked at him and smiled. I got to thinking about the two scenes and realized that some days I start my day with an attitude of "settling in - nothing's going on - think I will catch a catnap while I can." But I'm thinking that GOD wants it to be a sitting on the edge of my chair and leaning into what He is wanting to say to my heart. GOD IS FAITHFUL - GOD'S PROMISES ARE TRUE - GOD'S LOVE IS NEVER CEASING - GOD IS GOOD.

Heavenly Father,
How great thou art. Praise to thy Holy Name, the Great I AM. Lord I pray as Paul prayed so long ago, "first, I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world." LORD may Your abundant Grace flow richly in each heart and mind and soul of these precious saints. May an understanding of Who You Are be revealed in their hearts and minds which will bring them into a deeper knowing of the GOD who spoke and it was and a deeper knowing of Jesus who spoke and it was finished. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,