Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Marriage Album - 38 years

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

March 1, 1970 I was walking hand in hand down the streets of Tijuana Mexico with the love of my life wondering if this decision he had made was a good idea. I still remember walking up and down the one main street looking at the different places that had hand painted signs which read, "Get married or divorced, come in here, OPEN." We walked into one of the places unmarried and a few minutes later we walked out of the same place married. Just a few words said by both parties - The man who married us spoke no english except to say "You may kiss the Bride, Kiss the Bride". For witnesses my aunt and a good friend of my boyfriend had driven down with us. The good friend was our Spanish interpreter. Amazing isn't it. I walked into the place unmarried and came out married just because of a few words and having it sealed with a kiss. Thirty-eight years later, still married. My guess is that the few words and having them sealed with a kiss was what was required. Is it really that simple? Hindsight shows me, "YES!" I'm loving it.

My walk with the Lord - a few words - sincerely repeated. The "sinner's prayer" December of 1968, my relationship with the Lord, my commitment to obey and honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Walked into the place a sinner, walked out of the place a sinner saved by Grace. Our God is so Wonderful and Gracious and Amazing.

Abba Father, our God who seals us with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption which draws near. Thank you Lord that in the midst of our everyday lives You draw us closer and closer into a relationship with You. I pray for a revelation of Your drawing near be planted in our hearts and minds and souls that each dear sister-in-Christ would rise up early in the morning and begin a day with JOY that overwhelms, PEACE which stills, HOPE which stirs, FAITH which soars, and LOVE which covers a multitude of sins. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Glimpses Into Life


Being the people watcher that I am - I am able to get glimpses into the lives of people. Mind you it is only the surface things that I see. The way a person holds their head while patiently waiting, the pacing and viewing into the window to see if someone is coming, the way a person enters a room. Now why do I do this - I'm bored I guess or maybe it keeps me out of trouble. Just something that I find enjoyable. This is one way that I seem to be able to get little glimpses into lives. Not personal at all - which can be a very good thing.

My glimpses into lives which I enjoy so very much are the emails that I receive from all of you - how God is or has touched your life. How He so tenderly and generously blesses each and every one of you.

A couple of days ago I received an email from a friend that I have known for over 30 years - she updated me on where and how the Lord was working in her life. On Sunday we met with some friends who had moved to the mainland and were back for a few weeks - we shared how the Lord was working in their lives. Last week a friend emailed me that she wanted to set up a time to talk on the phone to find out how our Lord was working in each other's life. A dear friend who lives in Australia, whom I have never met face to face, only through emails and her wonderful "Diary For A Lady" book which I have been receiving for 4 years, sent me a beautiful flower, an original artwork, which I will be using as a signature. Another friend keeps me updated with pictures of herself and her son and how the Lord is working in her life. A friend whom I met (a divine appointment) emailed me with words of encouragement for the prayers she had been receiving. For my dear sisters-in-Christ who I get to see all the time - the hugs and prays and glimpses into how the Lord is working in your lives - thank you. Each and every one of you are so very precious to me.

These are the glimpses into lives that I am "talking about". The ones that keep me focused on what is the most important thing - the LORD. By your sharing I am getting little glimpses into lives - and asking, seeking, praising and glorifying our LORD for HIS Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness and Tender Mercies.

Abba Father, our most Sovereign Lord, thank you that You have given to me this burden to pray for each of these precious sisters-in-Christ. Oh LORD, I thank you for allowing me to see glimpses into these lives. LORD, as each of us enter into prayer and worship may we in one accord agree and ask according to your WORD, "So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." (Col. 3:12-16)

Until next week,

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

From Changing Diapers to Iced Chai Tea at Starbuck's

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It happened much to fast. Time passed by so quickly. I did not even have time to enjoy some of the moments before another came along for me to have to pray about. My favorite unstressing thing to do now is a trip to Starbuck's to enjoy a Grande Iced Chai Tea.

I have come this far - from being a young mom where my greatest challenge was trying to keep up with changing diapers and soothing teething gums and filling empty tummies to now driving to a Starbuck's to grab an iced Chai Tea.

The Lord is about to send me on another journey and for right now, during the waiting period, I find myself trying to find ways to comfort myself.

Yes, another season in my life where God has planned and purposed me to be - LORD may I take the time in this season to seek Your infinite WISDOM. In the midst of the everyday mini crisis's I become overwhelmed and distracted and fail. I am in need of an attitude adjustment, keeping my mouth shut and feeding my heart with the Bread of Life.

Abba Father, Gracious and Glorious and Sovereign, Praise thee and Worship thee. With a humble heart I bring before Your Most Excellent and Magnificent Throne of Grace my dear sisters-in-Christ. Oh most Sovereign LORD may Your Abiding and Everlasting and Unfailing LOVE embrace their hearts and minds and souls building them up in the FAITH that they may be able to persevere and boldly say, "Yes, Lord, I accept it; I submit, I yield, I pledge myself to walk in that path, and to follow that Voice, and to trust Thee with the consequences". In Jesus Name.

From now on you will see my new signature -

As you recall a couple of weeks ago I had shared about my love of the colours purple and aqua. A dear friend sent me this.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I'm A Girl


Growing up in a family with four younger brothers has its challenges. The first being that I was told repeatedly and frequently that I could not do a certain thing because I was a girl. If my brothers wanted to get me to do something they didn't have to say "I dare you" or "I double dare you" - all they had to say was "you are a BIG sissy". Ooh! I would get so upset at that I usually did something really stupid that got me either in trouble and/or hurt. You would think that I would learn after at least four failed attempts. Did I grow up and change my ways of thinking? Let me think about that? In some ways I have but there are most definitely times when I do believe that I revert back to my childhood and desire to recapture that "no fear" attitude about doing it just because I can. Whether I am a girl or not.

I do enjoy a challenge - and for today my challenge is being a girl. Giggling, dancing, singing in a group of other girls - whispering secrets, holding hands and sharing. I invite you my sisters-in-Christ to come join me - Let's embrace and begin.

Abba Father, Glory to the most Sovereign Lord who has called us His children. Praise to thee our Father in Heaven who gives us life and an abundant life filled with the most awesome and magnificent and righteous PROMISES. How I do Love thee. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day this very moment as she reads these words that You would take her hand and beckon her to come - come to the place You have prepared for her. That she may bathe in Your Anointing Love and be washed pure, that she may feast on Your Word and know the Truth, that she may drink of the Living Water and be filled with Your Righteousness. Oh come dear friend and sister-in-Christ - He is calling You into the Circle of Life. In His Glorious Name. Amen.

God's Riches

Your dearest friend and sister-in-Christ.