Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In the Midst


Virginia's Tradegy - While driving into work, my boss had heard on the radio about the tragedy. We got on the internet to see what was happening. Throughout the day we checked on the site to see if there were further developments. I came home at noon and turned on the TV to one of the news networks. And it was a scene that was shown, a small clip, which captured my heart and while watching this scene, I knew just how tragic the scene was. A police officer was standing on the landing of an ambulance van and was leaning with his head resting in his hands and arms. He was uncontrollably weeping. This police officer has seen much, has witnessed much whether through the videos that they subject them to during training or even when he has been in the midst of a terrifying situation. But him just seeing the tragedy caused him to weep uncontrollably. I saw that and in that second I knew and understood. The uncontrollable weeping - that which causes us to grieve from deep within.

Heavenly Father, Abba, LORD, Praise and Glory and Honor and Power. Thank you oh Lord that You are in the Midst of Them. Lord God, I pray for each life that is weeping uncontrollably this day. I pray for each sister-in-Christ who comes before your Throne of Grace with weeping for their loved ones, for their health, for their finances, for their circumstances, for their grieving moments when all seems lost. May they remember that You in the Midst of it All.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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