Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Special Road

Dear sisters-in-Christ, Good day to all of you and so glad that you are lingering awhile and while you do - know that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

This picture is of a road entering Old Koloa Town, Kauai, Hawaii. My first sight of this road was in 1991 when our family traveled together (and that is a whole different story that I could share for hours). In 1991 as we first entered this lane I was awestruck by the sheer wonder of it. And in just doing that I encountered Jesus traveling with me through this tunnel. I bought a postcard with this road and have it on my refrigerator. We visited Kauai several times after that and when we (dh and me) decided to retire and relocate to Hawaii our spot was going to be in Kauai. God had other plans and purposes and we did not stay very long there and moved to the Big Island - telling each other that we would go back to Kauai on special occasions. Well this past January after 5 long years it was a special occasion planned and purposed by God. I was told that many changes had been made to Kauai and was hoping that "my special road" was still there. IT WAS. I got a picture of it. How it relates to my life in Christ? This is my idea of how I walk my journey path, Jesus and me, enough light to see the Heavenly and the path set before me. I can see the end of the tunnel, it is off in the distance. A protected covering silencing the noises that would distract me. And while on this journey he speaks to me, and no other man knows the intent of it, just Him and me. Ah, how Good our most Sovereign Lord Is.

Heavenly LORD, Abba Father, thank you for Your Word which brings life. Praise and Glory and Honor and Power to the One True GOD. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ as she travels down this road - may she hold tight to Your Living Word, may her journey be filled with Your Light, may her beginning and end be complete in You and may she enjoy the journey giving you all the praise. May she be ever hearing, pray without ceasing and rest in Thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week.

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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