Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jeremiah 17:7, 8

Greetings to all my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

Isn't it marvelous that God has made it possible that we are able to greet each other as dear friends and then also have a relationship with Jesus that we are sisters-in-Christ. I never had a sister so it is even more special to me that I am able to have so many sisters to fellowship with. Today I was lead to Jeremiah 17:7, 8

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
And who hope is the LORD,
For he shall be like a tree
planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious
in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit."

My prayer for all my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ for today -

Heavenly Father, Almighty and Magnificent God in Heaven who
Loves us, thank you for this verse You have brought to my attention this morning. Thank you for Your promise of blessing the man who trusts in thee and whose hope is thee. Oh Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would be like a tree planted by the waters, that she will have her roots spread out, that she not fear when heat comes; and that her leaf (that which grows from her, the visible things in her life) will be green (will be healthy) and that she will not be anxious in the year of drought (trials and darkness and temptations), nor will cease from yielding fruit (may she grow in grace more and more each day)." In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

May God pour into and over You His Blessings,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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