Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Reason to Praise HIM

Good Morning dear sisters-in-Christ,

I would like to welcome a new member today. I met her this weekend while staying at the Hyatt on the island of Kauai in the city of Koloa (Old Koloa Town). Which brings me to my talking story with you today about my weekend. It was so wonderful how God planned the whole weekend. Not in a gakizzillion years could I have ever envisioned our weekend. When my husband and I retired in 2001 and came to the islands our first choice was Kauai, so we arrived on the island and after a few short months we knew that Kauai would not be affordable for us so we ventured to the Big Island telling ourselves that we would make it back to Kauai for our vacations, maybe a long weekend together. Well, it stretched out to be this God ordained time in our lives. And how so differently our live turned out from when we first began in January of 2001 to now. GOD is so AWESOME. Because of my husband's work schedule I basically had the whole weekend to commune with God and earnestly seek what He has planned for this year. What it turned out to be was, Him saying I'm going to show you just what has happened over the last 6 years and give you a reason to PRAISE ME. Oh, how sweet the communion was and how glorious and magnificent is my GOD that all that has been and is being GOD was/is HERE. Thank you and praise you my King.

Heavenly Father, Holy art thou my God and Savior and Counselor. The Holy Trinity, three-in-one. Blessings and Honor is due your name. I pray this day with bowed heart and hands lifted up giving You all the Glory and Praise. Thank You oh most Sovereign Lord for the valley experiences, for the desert experiences, for the winter and fall experiences, for the dry experiences, for prayers answered with a no. Praise you oh most Sovereign LORD for the mountain-top experiences, the oasis' experiences, the spring and summer experiences, for the rainy experiences, and for all the prayers answered with a YES. My LORD, my Savior, my Comforter, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and for the days ahead that You would reveal to her the reasons for You to Praise and Worship You. "Ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done, saith the Lord God." Exekiel 14:23. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.



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