Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Picture on the Box

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

I was watching a movie the other day; don’t remember the name of the movie, which really does not matter. In one of the scenes the woman is sitting at the table as the man enters carrying two small boxes of jig jaw puzzles. He asks which one she would like and he took the other one. Apparently he had never put a jig jaw puzzle together so the woman begins to explain that you take the pieces and turn them color side up and sort by color, size and shape; finding the corners first and the flat end pieces. You need to keep the top of the box close by as a reference to what the picture looks like in order to complete the puzzle. The man starts to put the pieces face down. The woman tells him he is doing it wrong. He tells her that he doesn’t need to look at the puzzle pieces because he has the picture right in front of him, so he already knows what it will look like when he is finished. Amazing, how God works in the same way. I am trying to put it all together sorting by color and shape and when I find a corner piece I am elated. Just from that scene in the movie I got a small glimpse of what FAITH actually looks like. God already has the complete picture. Thank you Heavenly Father, my most Sovereign Lord that my life is a complete picture in Your Eyes.

Heavenly Father, Glorious Master and LORD, our Great and Mighty GOD, our Strong Tower, may You be Gloried in my Life Lord. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ who is walking through the valley of dryness be flooded with Your Compassion. In the Name of Jesus I command that the Spirit of Infirmity must flee their bodies and return no longer. For the dear sisters-in-Christ who are stuck in the mire of darkness and hopelessness may they reach out and touch Your Garment and be clothed in Your righteousness, which dispels all the enemies lies and be restored into Beauty and in the likeness of You. Oh, Heavenly Father come abide in our hearts and minds and souls this day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

The Lord has so Graciously blessed us with an answer to prayer. A brother and sister-in-law of one of our good friends were stricken unexpectedly and we began to pray for her and him. I have attached the address here for all of you who desire to know them and know the miraculous. It is a very true accounting of the events and last night I got to give him and her a big hug. Ah, our GOD is so GOOD.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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