Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Added Responsibilities

Greetings to all,

2007, Amazing and awesome isn't it!!?? My desire to have a kitty came true. But we decided that two would be much better than one because they would keep each other company while we were at work. And then since I got the kittens my husband got to have his Bird, Ecelectus Parrot. WOW, did I ever forget about responsibilites. I know that it pales in comparison to those who have babies and children but this whole idea of providing for their needs has taken me to a new level. This is hard work. The feeding by putting a dish of food in front of them is no problem. It's the attention THING. Two require much, much, more. My lap isn't big enough to hold both of them at the same time and naturally one or the other has to have more attention and tries to get the other one off of my lap. And this is when I am trying to do my bible reading time which I have always desired and demanded giving my full attention to praying and reading. In fact as I type this they have surrounded my chair and are trying to get up to help me with this. I sense some learning on my part on how to handle distractions in the midst of drawing closer to God.

Heavenly Father, praise and glory and honor. Hallelujah and Amen to the Great I AM. Thank you for bringing us thus far in our journey with you. Oh Lord, there are going to be constant distractions and changes in our lives and You are in the midst of them. Lord, may we each draw closer to thee in this new year, 2007. Our future is in Your hands and You are still directing. Yes, Lord You are in our midst and may we walk into this year 2007 with an expectancy to see the miraculous and the magnificence of being Your child. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your friend and sister-in-Christ.


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