Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Pasts


Tis the season for our memories to be enhanced by things given in the past. As we hear the tingling of the Salvation bells, the songs being played in the stores, malls, workplace and gas stations, as we see how Rudolf saves Christmas or how the Grinch Stole Christmas, I remember my Christmas pasts'. All, every single one of them, was a memory keeper. As our family grew from just the two of us to three, four, and five, Christmas was more special with each year. Now, once again it is just the two of us. The gifts have been bought, wrapped and shipped. And now I am ready for Christmas present.

Heavenly Father, Hallowed by thy name, Praise and Glory. Thank You oh my most Sovereign LORD.

The angels proclaimed
The shepherds ran
The Magi followed
The stable provided
Your Son came down
A Savior born.

Lord, may this day be AWESOME, may each dear sister-in-Christ, be equipped with the full armor of God and walk boldly knowing that JESUS CHRIST is the King of kings and Lord of lords. May their desire be to run and follow as You direct their daily lives. May they REST in your PRESENCE knowing that You have provided, and that Your Son, Immanuel came down and unto us a SAVIOR was born. LORD, Jehovah, El Shaddai, Addonai. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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