Wednesday, January 17, 2007

5 Little Things


There is a picture today - and identifying them. First the flowers, lavender sprigs from birthday flowers received from daughter and family set in a vase which has a rose base which was received from my oldest son. Second a little vase which I purchased from my favorite coffee farm in all of Kona from a dear sister-in-Christ. In the middle - a scented candle burning purchased at K-Mart. Fourth a book received from my oldest son and his family for Christmas, it is very humorous. And last a giraffe with a bobbing neck/head received from a dear sister-in-Christ for my birthday.

What does all this have to do with my prayer. Well all these in one way or another are my favorite things. Giraffes, lavender, scented candles, unique vases and books which make me laugh (good humor). These things keep me balanced I guess you could say. Things that I treasure, things that I can look at or reference and know that I am real, that I am a needy person, that I am so wonderfully weird, as my son-in-law says it. Yep this is me, whom our Great God created. WOW!! Isn't HE so creative.

That HE has created all these most amazing things - giraffes, flowers, talented crafters and writers who are able to create something from nothing, laughter and wonderful family and friends to fellowship with and GOD is a GOOD GOD.

Heavenly Father, How Great thou art, LORD thank you that you have created each one of us so wonderfully weird. LORD, oh most Sovereign LORD, may each dear sister-in-Christ see with her heart just how beautiful You are and that they are a new creature in Christ Jesus. May Your Presence so overwhelm them this very hour, this very day, that they cannot contain the JOY and HOPE that they have. May they begin to Shout and Dance for the Hope which lies within them through the promises set before them through Your Word, the living Word, which is the living water and sustains them for eternity. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

May the God we Serve Richly Bless Thee

Your friend and dear sister-in-Christ


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