Wednesday, November 01, 2006

From Montana to California

Greetings to all of my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

We were traveling from Lewistown, Montana to Goleta, California. My parents, me and my 4 brothers. I was 16 and my baby brother was 9. I had been asking God since I was 9 to move to California and it was actually coming true. As I look back the journey was uneventful for me until I saw the sign which read "Hollister Avenue". This is the road we were to take to get to my aunt and uncle's house where we would be staying for awhile until daddy could start his new job. We drove up and saw the house and introductions were made. And as I reflect back these 40 years this is what I vividly remember about those first hours and days - Tasting the water and spitting it back out - it tasted of chorline. Watching TV for hours and hours. Walking around outside without a sweater or sweatshirt. Laying on the couch with my brothers on the floor and thanking God for bringing me to California. Thanks for letting me share a little part of my past with you.

It is the past and yet it is a memory which I do have stored in my mind. How wonderful our God is for it was that winter in the midst of the move and the problems I experienced at school with being a hick from Montana and the situations I placed myself in in trying to adjust to the lifestyle that I had a life changing experience with Jesus. God revealed to me that I was in need of a Savior, and that was Jesus Christ His Son.

My prayer for you dear precious sisters-in-Christ for the month of November -

Abba Father, thank you that You move us from where we were to who we are in You. Praise You, most Holy and Sovereign Lord.
Lord God our Great and Mighty God who draws us unto Himself. I pray for each dear child of Yours that she would SHOUT FOR JOY that You have completed her in Christ Jesus. God of Heaven and Earth and Jesus Christ your Son and the Holy Spirit our Comforter and Counselor thank You the Holy Trinity. May our days ahead be triumphant, may we stand still and know, may we each place the full armor of God upon ourselves and Desire to do Your Will and Desire that Your Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

God's Blessing Upon all of You

Your friend and dear sister-in-Christ


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