Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Three D's

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

It's another Wednesday and God has and is so richly supplying us with all that we need and desire. Once again just what would you have me say today Lord. Three words began to form in my mind - dare, doubt and discipline.

The word dare - Maybe it is because I was the only girl with 4 brothers - when we were growing up we were always daring each other and sometimes double daring each other to do something or say or ask something. I know that I could get my younger brothers to do about anything if I double dared them.

The word doubt - My vivid memory about first doubting something, was when our dog Sockers got hit by a car. I was around 10 years old at the time. We had a beagle dog named Sockers, I loved that dog, he had a bad habit of chasing car wheels and daddy said that he would get hit someday and it would teach him a lesson. Well he did get hit and I prayed that he would not die - I prayed very hard and he did not die but he was not the same after that - he would walk around in circles all the time and seemed to be in terrible pain. I could not look at him without feeling very bad about praying that he live.

The word discipline - When I was younger and getting disciplined by my folks, (yep I occassionally got in BIG trouble, usually it was when I got caught double daring), my dad is the one who disciplined but I could turn on the "alligator tears" and it would not be so harsh, but with mom, oh she wouldn't let me get away with anything - she would so lovingly correct me. Dad had the paddle (rod) and mom had the words.

Heavenly Abba Father, Great is Your Name in All the Earth, May Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. How Great Thou Art. Thank You Lord for Your Glorious and Amazing Love Towards Us, Your Children. I come into Your Presence Today and ask for the Living Water which runs deep and wide to pour richly into our lives. When we have dared not to go because of fear or not knowing pour into our hearts and minds a Passion to dare to pray the impossible. When we have doubted You may Your Holy Spirit come and fill us with the unwavering Faith which moves mountains and asks for the impossible to be so. When You bring discipline oh Lord may we be ready to receive it and to accept Your correction in Love, knowing that You are a Good God and that You discipline in Love for our good and for Your Glory. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until Next Week

God Blessings Upon You,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ,


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