Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Parallel Worlds

Greetings to my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ.

It seems that I live in "parallel worlds". Let me try and explain - I'm hesitant to be as giddy with life as I would like to. I wonder if a giraffe gets to hibernate? I love giraffes and for many years my obsession with giraffes drove my family into a tissy at birthdays and Christmas. I changed my request from giraffes to bells and dolls when the kids were young so they could give me something special. But now that giraffes are in demand I can once again claim the obsession of giraffes. Hooray!! Okay so what does that have to do with my "parallel worlds" scenerio? And my question, about hibernating giraffes? Most of the time I am very content to arise in the morning and enjoy my day and am thankful for what was packed into the day when I go to bed at night. But, at least twice a year I get so depressed that I want to hibernate from the world. When I lived in Montana it was explained that I needed more sunlight. So, I'm in Hawaii and there is lots, and lots of sunshine. So, for me it has to be something else. Being a giraffe lover I am told by some that I am a visionary. And my idea of a visionary - a content person, one of total self-assuredness. Do you see my "parallel worlds"? The Lord impressed upon me three years ago, in the month of September to go on a journey with Him. To draw closer to Him, to spend time with Him and to write in a journal. The tradition has continued for three years now and I do believe that I will need to journey with the Lord again in March or April.

I do believe that this giraffe lover does indeed hibernate - the month of September - I'm with the Lord on my journey, step-by-step. It is marvelous!! The sights He reveals and the Love He instills.

Heavenly Father, Mighty in Power, Compassionate and Merciful, how great thou art my most Sovereign Lord. Thank you for your tender mercies for today. I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that they would accept Your Embracing Spirit and receive Your tender mercies which You have provided for them this day. Not looking back at yesterday's failings and not hoping for tomorrow's blessings. Lord I pray that today is Enough for me and them. May our needs, wants and desires be surrended to You this day as we Trust in our Sovereign Lord who has PROMISED that "... that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". In Jesus Name. Amen

Until Next Week,

Your dearest friend and sister-in-Christ.


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