Wednesday, October 25, 2006

7 Key Words

Greetings my dearest and precious sisters-in-Christ,

One of my 4 brothers is spending some time with my parents in Montana and has sent me a picture from his phone to mine. The picture is of a little town in Montana called Forest Grove. My brother just does these little things - simple little things that reminds me that God is Good and Faithful. A picture on my phone of a little town in Montana took me back to a time of rememberance.

Which got me to thinking - it is Wednesday morning and Lord as I prepare - what is it You would have me pray about today.

Heavenly Father, before Your Throne of Grace I come and ask for myself and for these dear sisters-in-Christ, thanking You and giving You all my praise and worship.

7 Key Words

1) Surrender - You bring to rememberance those times when we have totally surrended unto You our wants and desires.

2) Heal -When you bring healing of pains and hurts that bring us to our knees and draw us closer to Jehovah Rapha

3) Doubt - When we doubt anything we are doubting You - may it not be so.

4) Authority - Your Authority in all things and in all ways - Your Will be Done

5) Faith - The Cross

6) Hearing - May we hear Your Whispers

7) Seeing - May we see the hidden things which You reveal to us each day of our lives

7 Key Words presented on the page - Word Pictures, oh most Sovereign Lord, that we may place in our hearts and minds and Be Still and Know that You are God. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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