Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Out with the Old and In with the New


I received a new bible about a month ago. It is the NASB - my husband wanted a different version than the NIV so he and I felt that God was wanting us to get the NASB. I'm having a hard time with it, even though I placed the bible tabs in each chapter, even though it is giant print, even though it has a concordance. I couldn't understand why I wasn't able to locate any verses that I knew where they were located in the bible but did not have them memorized for that very reason. I finally figured it out why I was having problems with it. Last week, I did not have the NASB close to my chair, and I needed to look up some verses referenced in my devotional. I picked up the bible I have been using for the last 8 or 9 years, the one that has been with me through the move and through the changes in my life and in the lives of my children. The one that is tattered, scribbled in, highlighted, and underlined. Oh, it was so very comfortable in my hands, in my lap, and I could go right to the place I wanted to go. Oh I wanted to hold onto it - I began reading and remembered and thanked and praised God for His Glorious Word and Amazing Ways.

Which got me to thinking - The LORD has been with me thus far and now HE is wanting me to seek HIM. With this new bible, that is what I have to do each time I want to find something - So this is my prayer --

LORD, Sovereign and Gracious Father in Heaven, Abba. My desire is to know you more and more. LORD I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead, may their walk with You be joyous and hopeful. May Your Words of Life flood over them, come up from the depths to cover them, reach their hearts and their minds and permeate their being. May Your Beauty shine forth in their lives. May Your Love Abide. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

HIS Reply


Have you ever been in a situation where a reply is required and you are totally at a loss for words? Just thought I would toss this question out for a starter this morning.

The feeding of the 5000 - How I am like the disciples - Matthew 14:15-21

I tell Jesus how it is - this place is desolate and the hour is already late
I tell Jesus what to do - so send the crowds away
I tell Jesus how it ends - that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.

Ah, Jesus gives his reply, BUT Jesus said ....

Heavenly Father, Sovereign LORD, Gracious and Mighty, Thank you LORD. Praise and Honor and Glory, Lord I pray this day and this week that each dear sister-in-Christ would wait for Your reply to whatever situation or circumstance she encounters. Lord may our eyes be opened to who You are and who we are as Your dear daughters of the King. Lord may we bring all that we have, are, and desire to You. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What's Your Name

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

One of our dear sisters-in-Christ is going to have a baby in a few month's and the topic of names came up at our dinner table last night. This got me to thinking? As names were being presented to the to-be-mom, her opinion of that name mattered alot. There were different factors which had to considered. And as all of us moms know, naming your child is very, very important.

So this is the thinking part --- Our name, which is given to us by our moms and dads, or is it?? God says that our names will be written in the Book of Life,

For me, being weird I know, have gone by my middle name for years. My name Lyndia Sue was on my birth certificate, (Lyndia is pronounced Linda), so is my name Lyndia or is it Sue. And of course, for us mothers, it's mom or mommy, and for us grandmothers, its gamma, or grandma, or nana, so what is my name?

I was looking at some of bible verses today which referenced name.

Psalm 33:21 (KJV) Our heart shall rejoice in him, becasue we have trusted in his Holy Name.

Proverbs 22:1 (KJ) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.

Revelvation 20:16 (KJV) And he haath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Let us this day come together and worship the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Heaven Father, our most High and and Sovereign God, who loves us, Praise and Glory and Honor and Power, thank you Lord that You have named us, thank you that our names are written in the Book of Life, thank you that You know us and call us by name and that we know your voice. Most Holy God, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that she would hear You calling her name, may she desire to be called and known by You. Oh Lord as she goes about her waking hours direct her ways, order her time, provide for her needs and may she rest in Your Name. When she sleeps may it be a restful and deep, undisturbed sleep in which she is refreshed and restored by You. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Making a List

Dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

I married a man who likes to keep lists - which was so strange for me because I am the opposite. I just kind of do everything that I set my mind to doing. All three children have inherited this from their father, which is a wonderful trait to have. So through the years I tried making a list and then tried keeping a list and have finally (the kids are grown and have left home) I am tired of looking for the lists that I loose and settled for just doing it. Still doesn't keep me from procrastinating though. I do make a list for groceries, but 1 out of 2 times I forget the list and the coupons on the kitchen counter and even though I am only 5 minutes away from home I will not go back and get it. And I do make a list of what I hope to accomplish on my Wednesday afternoon and my Saturday running around, they are somewhere under my pile of projects. So as a little project for today I have decided to make a list. Since it is on the computer I should be able to keep this one and refer back to it.
And one more thought - God is a Great List Maker.

My To Do List:

1. To Seek first the Kingdom of God

2. To Set my Mind on thing above and not on earthly things.

3. To clothe myself with kindness and put on love.

4. To Lean not on my own understanding.

5. To take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

6. To not be afraid, to speak out, to not quit.

7. To keep asking, seeking and knocking.

So for all you list makers and list keepers I applaud you for you have the wonderful ability to put down on paper what your goals and accomplishments are but most of all you know right where they are and you know right where you are in accomplishing them. Me, I sometimes have to "rack my brain" while slowly going down each isle of the grocery store trying to remember if I need that jar of mayonnaise or was it the catsup that I needed.

One last thought - A prayer to the family of Steve Irwin - your father was a peacemaker.

Heavenly Father, our Sovereign Lord, our Creator,
Praise You oh Lord, thank You Lord for Your tender mercies, for your faithfulness, for your goodness and kindness which you bless each one of us each day. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead You will, as it is written in Psalm 91:4, "He will cover you with His Pinions, and under His Wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark". Great are You our Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen

I leave you with this promise, as it is written, "Now may the Lord of peace himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. II Thessalonian 3:16

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ,