Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow


Dear sisters-in-Christ, the title, it is the hardest for me, but when I find the right title it seems to flow into the message and the prayer.

My Yesterday seems but a moment ago - when I look back to my yesterday's I am reminded that God has been guiding and protecting in the most critical and crucial of times.

My Today, yes that is right now and (me, myself, and I) are waiting for I know not what will happen in the next minute or next hour. Twenty-four hours in this day of which my Faithful and Righteous and Holy God has given me brand new for these 24 hours his Tender Mercies (WOW).

My Tomorrow, only in my imagination, (and believe me I can imagine the wildest and weirdest things) - so I will have to place this in my Father's Sovereign Realm and TRUST, BELIEVE, and WAIT

Heavenly Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee we SHOUT, thank you for Your tender mercies. Lord I pray for each and every dear sister-in-Christ that they may be reminded that their yesterdays are gone, You have restored that which has been torn down, You have put flesh on their dry bones. Lord I pray for their today's, may they hold in their hearts and minds and souls Your tender mercies being poured out into their lives this very second, this very moment, this very hour. Lord I pray that each precious daughter of the King would entrust to You their tomorrows which only You know. May You come Holy Spirit and reveal the mysteries which our most Holy and Sovereign Lord has planned and purposed for our lives. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

This week I would also like to hold up in prayer my sisters-in-Christ who are going through the valley of sickness and disease. Lord we come together in agreement asking for Your Healing Balm of Gilead to Flow - Our great Physician, we commit these precious ladies before Your throne of Grace and ask for complete healing of the body. Thank you for Your unmerited Favor upon these ladies. Lord we ask for complete restoration of the body, mind and soul this very second. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dearest friend and sister-in-Christ


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