Wednesday, August 09, 2006

4 Conversations + 1


Once again God has brought us to this Wednesday morning where I am able to keep in touch with all of you through the keyboard and the airwaves. As to keeping in touch - I'd like to share with you today 4 conversations that I has this past weekend and Monday evening. The first conversation was with my #2 son, the middle child, it was a long conversation and he detailed things that were happening in his life and in his families life. After I hung up the phone I felt like we had just been sitting at the table, him and me, just as it was when he was in high school and he was sharing his thoughts and his dreams. Wonderful, wonderful visit. While I had been on the phone with him, my daughter has tried to call so rang her back and the same with her. We shared what was happening in her life and all the goings on since she has very recently moved and was starting a new season in her life. After that conversation I was reminded of the times I would sit at the foot of her bed after school or before bedtime and we would share the days happenings. Wonderful, wonderful visit. This was on Sunday. On Monday, after work I really wanted to talk to my dear prayer warrior and sister-in-Christ who lives in Washington. After that lengthy call, I was remembering the times were would get together for dinner at our favorite eatery, El Burrito, and share our concerns and problems and discuss and pray about them all. Wonderful, wonderful visit. While I had been on the phone with her, my parents had been trying to call me and since they live in Montana and it is four hours difference my first thought was that something was wrong health wise with mom or dad. Yes, there was a problem, they had just bought two mangos and had no idea what to do with them - so they were calling me at 10:00 at night to find out. After that conversation I was reminded of all the times my mom and dad have been there when I call and they listen so intently. So that my dear sisters were my conversations in the physical realm, but I have one more to tell - God woke me at 2:30 am to show me the most beautiful full moon. It lit up the sky - it was most definitely the lesser light that He had created. I laid down on the Futon and God started talking. I began praising and singing and worshipping Him. After the conversation I was and am in awe of How Awesome is our God. That He knew I needed to hear from Him, that He knew I would love what He was showing me. Our God is so Good.

Dear sisters-in-Christ I pray that you have the most wonderful conversations with family, friends, enemies, and God this day and this week.

Abba Father, How Great Thou Art, most Sovereign Lord. Thank You that you so Graciously Touch each of us. How Awesome are Your thoughts toward us, your children. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and the days ahead that they would be filled with the Joy of the Lord, come before Your Throne of Grace and begin to ask for the Passion, seek the Divine and knock at the very Heart of Jesus. Oh most Sovereign Lord may Your anointing holy oil be poured out into each one of their lives this day and may they be filled with all the gifts and blessings that You have Promised since the beginning. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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