Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Two Shakers of Faith

Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I bring before you today two totally different scenarios- and each one has caused me to question; has shaken my faith in some degree.

1st - my sister-in-law, who is 53 and the baby of the family, was in a motorcycle accident in the early hours last Saturday morning. She is in a coma and the prognosis from the doctors is that she will be this way for some time. On that Saturday morning as I spoke with my niece, who is 26, I wanted so badly to be transported to Denver and to be by her side as she is going through this. She has been a Christian for only 4-5 years. I prayed for her over the phone that morning and all the family are still at the forefront of my thoughts and prayers each day. Still I feel so helpless and wanting to be able to comfort her in person. Hoping that she will hold on tight to Jesus and God during this tragic time. And at the same time I am believing that God, my Lord is Good and is Sovereign and working in these most precious lives.

2nd - I have been wearing hormone patches for 10 years now and with the prescription prices its getting harder and harder financially to afford them. I have been purchasing them at our local drug store and paying around $90.00 every month. I thought that I would try Costco Pharmacy, so two weeks ago I visited the pharmacy and asked for their rates. I was told cash price for the strongest strength was $27.50 and the other strength was $26.00. I was shocked and told the pharmacist asst. that I would switch my prescription to Costco and also told her what I had been paying and walked away kicking myself for not checking on it sooner. Since I had just bought a month's supply they put the prescription on hold. Well, yesterday I called to get the prescription. You guessed - the price has doubled, yes doubled - when I told them of the scenario and why I had switched the asst. said she did not know who would have quoted me that price. I hung up the phone and felt so helpless, where could I go to get a straight answer - what was the actual price - I was very, very upset that I was lied to. Well the list goes on about my thoughts.

So there you have it - my Faith was shaken. Is God in Control in that Family whose mother is in a Coma and lives have been forever changed by the circumstances? Is God in Control in the area of my ability to pay for my prescriptions? Is God faithful? Can He be Trusted with something so tragic? Can He be Trusted with this little matter?

Most Glorious Sovereign God, our Heavenly Father, our Creator, who sustains us and blesses us each morning with new tender mercies. Thank you Lord that You Can be Trusted in the smallest of circumstances and crisis' and that You can be Trusted in the most horrific and tragic of circumstances. Lord I ask for Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Strength to be with my Niece. May she Be Still and Know during this time. Lord you are so wonderful and beautiful, I pray also for the other family members to see Your sovereignty in this situation. And Lord with each dear sister-in-Christ there are things in their lives that cause them to be shaken, Lord how intimately You know us and how tenderly You hover over us. Lord be with each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week as they live out their most ordinary lives - learning to walk with You and listen to You and to be obedient to Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen

Until next week

A Hui Ho


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