Wednesday, August 23, 2006

To Be Like-Minded

Greetings my dear friends,

There is absolutely no way that I am even remotely able to know just what God has placed on each and every single one of your hearts. And in knowing this as I type out my prayers and little antedotes on Wednesday mornings I must come before the throne of Grace and believe that our Father knows and cares. I was reading in my devotional "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers this morning and it had to do with prayer. After reading it I wrote this in my journal -

Lord God
How Great thou art.
To enter in - E Komo Mai - Come - Enter into My Secret Place
A Place where only You and I reside.
My Knowing Place of Your Glorious Grace.
An intimate place where only two can be; only room for You and me.
A holy place - a sanctified place.
I come unworthy, unclean and leave covered with the robe of righteousness.
Your will to do is my desire and from beginning to end may I never tire.

Heavenly Father,
Praise You for this day. Praise You for Your Infinite Grace. Praise You for Your Love. Lord I do come before Your throne of Grace and pray for each and every dear sister-in-Christ. May they come and enter into the secret place where only You and her can meet and ask, seek and knock. Lord may they lay aside the concerns and cares of their everyday life and come to worship and adore thee. To rest in Your Presence, To receive Your Power, To believe in Your Promises, to trust in Your Provision, to accept Your Peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

On a side note - Thank you to those who prayed for my implant surgery. It went very well, the swelling is almost gone and the pain is subsiding more and more each day.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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