Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Welcome to the Month of September - Chosen of God

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, For those that have been with me for a while you know that in September I set aside the month and take a journey with the Lord drawer closer to Him and seeking more of Him. This September is no exception so on September 1, I woke up around 2:30 in the morning feeling very, very sick. Since it was a 3 day weekend I wanted until Tuesday morning to see what I could possibly have, praying that it was not Covid. However, I did indeed have covid and then my prayers sifted to my husband not getting it. The Lord answered not only my prayers but many of the prayers that were being prayed for him to not get it. God is so Good! This was a very severe case so started the regimen of Paxlovid to get some relief of the fevers and sickness raging through my body. Today marks the 11th day and so far no fever for 4 of them but still lingering fatigue and stuffiness. During that time I did watch a video on youtube that had a young man saying that he was thankful for bedsores. It was then that I remembered a story from Corrie ten Boom about her sister being thankful for lice (I think)for that is when she could be alone for the captors would not come in. In hearing the young man's story and remembering Corrie ten Boom's story I had to humbly come before the Lord for I had been grumbling as to why I got covid again. It was then that I began to praise Him for He is so faithful and gentle and kind and that His ways are higher than my ways and His understanding is higher than mine. It was then that my daily devotional reading drew me to Col. 3:12, "So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;" O, Yes, Lord Praise to thee for in our sickness or health, in our chaos or quietness, in our sorrow or joy and in our famine or abundance may we be thankful for we have been chosen of God, holy and beloved. How great is our Lord! Let us pray - Abba Father, All glory and honor we lift up our hands to worship the One who has chosen us and called us holy and beloved. O, Lord to be in Your Presence and to receive Your Provision and to reveal in Your Power, how can we not be thankful for ALL the promises we have in this life and when we die the fulfillment of Heaven. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she walks the path You have given her and abides in Your Presence each day may it be filled to the brim with Your tender mercies and may she rise up and proclaim she is chosen of God, holy and beloved. In Jesus Name, Amen. Walking the path of Joy,


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