Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Big Thank You

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Thank you very much for the prayers and encouragement I received since my last post. I am doing "gentle recovery" as my daughter recommended that I do for the past week and resting when I need to and only doing minimal exercising. Now for other news, the Lord has so graciously answered my prayers regarding my mother who lives in another state in a nursing home and is well taken care of. My three brothers visited her last week and sent me a picture of mom and them together with BIG smiling faces. Even though my mother suffers from dementia, she sure looked so happy with them standing with her. This is an answer to prayers for me and even though I was not able to be there it was more important that my three brothers were able to be with her. One lives in the small town and the other two live in California. I knew one was going from California but did not know the other was. God is so Good that even in my prayers He answered double fold. Let us pray - Abba Father, Creator and Sovereign God, I lift up my hands to praise You for all the miraclous and beautiful and merciful things that You do in our lives. We are not even aware of all the blessings and Your tender mercies so thank You O Lord for Your Son who died for our sins and now our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Thank You for "momentous moments" that so overwhelm us that we fall on our knees and express our Love for You. Lord, I pray for the miraculous to enter into the lives of every dear and precious sister-in-Christ and may she be strengthened and renewed and soar high and above all things causing her to doubt or fear. May Your Presence be evident in their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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