Wednesday, October 25, 2023

I Can Only Imagine

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We have a visitor this week. My husband's older sister has been trying to imagine just where we live as this is the first time that we have not lived in the western part of the United States. She arrived late Monday night so yesterday we did a little sightseeing. Thankfully the fall colored leaves are showing off and there was harvesting of corn in the fields. Driving through the small towns close by and on the country roads lined with soybean and cornfields was a sight that we had experienced several times due to losing our sense of direction and having to drive around two or three times to get on the right road. We also took her to a state park which was close by and walked around the park and stood at the water's edge. It was at some point in the tour that I asked her if this is something like how she expected it to be? Her response was, "No not this." Recalling the previous days experience and conversation I had a thought - This is what heaven will be - Yes, I can only imagine at this point and some days my imagination runs amuck as to how beautiful and glorious it will be and other times I long for it is be so much richer and glorious than my imagination can think or even feel. And not only heaven but circumstances and situations that we are praying about and hoping for answers and results even that I can only imagine. For the LORD's thoughts and ways are HIGHER than ours in EVERY WAY and EVERYTHING. So let us gather our imaginations and come before His Throne of Grace and trust that He will do the impossible EVERY single time. Because He is a GOOD God. Abba Father, Praise thee and Lord we bring our requests before You and can only imagine how and when and why and where You will answer. Lord may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ ask and in the asking completely trust You for the answer. In Jesus Name, Amen. Asing and Trusting,

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ask On

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Is it worth it? Are you worth it? These two questions frequently come to my mind as I diligently try to find the best and at the best price. There are so many choices and yet I still struggle with making sure that I get the best deal. Something that will last while doing what it is supposed to do. So while I am asking these questions the Lord is listening, right? He knows our thoughts before we even voice them outloud, right? This leads me into asking - my daughter gave me a little desktop decoration made of scrabble letters, which reads, "write on" - how about having a tablet with the title, "ask on". Each morning or afternoon or evening as you reach for your devotional or bible study materials and/or bible couple that with a little tablet titled, "ask on" and write down how many times you have asked Him throughout the day. You will probably be surprised at the number of times He has been on your mind as you walk through your day. Matthew 7:7, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." The pure and righteous words of truth, so simple and yet so hard to do at times. I know He hears and I know He gives far more than I do ask and so for today let us pray - Abba Father, All praise and glory we lift up to You with arms stretched up high trying to reach the heavens may we stand waving those arms and hands and sing to You O Lord. As we "ask on" today may we be still and know that You are God and You are in Control and it is Your perfect timing and in the asking of Your will be done that we have the blessed assurance that all is well with our soul. Lord for those who are hurting, comfort, for those who are anxious, bring your peace, for those who have no hope, give them a desire to know that You are their hope. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she be filled with that special fruit that only the Holy Spirit can give and in the asking may she be drenched with Your Spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen. Asking,

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

God Supplies All My Needs

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We have been through a lot over these several years and for many of you life has had its challenges along with the numerous rewards. In fact, this is my 800+post and hopefully still counting for many more to come. My first postings were while we lived in Hawaii and then when God moved us to Montana and now Him moving us to Ohio and still I'm getting to know Him more and more through all of the various moves. I'm thankful that He has always provided for my needs and I must continually remember that He does supply all of my needs. Sometimes I have wants but those are not always aligned with what God's ways and thoughts are on my needs. We have only been here a few months and already the changes are apparent that my wants are so totally different than my needs. But I'm learning, slowly, that He is a faithful God and that He desires the BEST or should I say the BETTER for me. As His child sometimes I feel like He needs to put the training wheels back on as I venture out into my world as I know it now. Trusting Him to find the best doctors for me and my husband, trusting Him when I need to have the simplest things done like an oil change for my car. And I am at an age where I depend on the internet for directions and for finding the services that I need. I am so glad that He has brought us closer to family which is something that I have always wanted and now I know that it was something I needed. So let us pray - Abba Father, our Great Creator and Sustainer, Praise to thee that above all things and in all things You are in control and that You supply all our needs. Lord Your timing and Your will be done as we walk through each day facing the many challenges. You are a faithful and righteous God and as we ask of Thee each day You will answer in the most amazing of ways. In ways that our minds are not able to comprehend and sometimes not even accept at the time but still You are God. Thank you O, Lord for sustaining us and defending us and loving us and abiding in us. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she be filled up to the brim today with Your Spirit as she walks into her day asking for You to go before her. In Jesus Name, Amen. My supplier and sustainer,

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

The Month of October

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Here we are once again into another month and I am experiencing for the first time what some people who live in an area where there are four seasons. My son texted me a couple days ago and asked, "How are you guys enjoying the gentle transition to Fall instead of the biting cold." It was then that I realized that all the previous states that I had lived in did not have all four seasons. How wonderful of our God that when He directs and guides you through your life there is ALWAYS new experiences, new discoveries, newness of just how glorious He is. Experiencing the season of Fall, where the leaves turn colors and the nights are soothing and the air is crisp and yet calm enough to sit on your back patio or porch swing or even take an evening walk. Yes, His handiwork is on display brilliantly and wonderfully, how can I not praise Him? His delights are breathtaking! He created ALL things and He still is creating new ideas, new beginnings, new experiences, new inspirations and so much more. What words can I use to express His beauty and His care and His love and His mercy that is so far reaching and above all our thoughts and ways. My prayer for this first Wednesday of the month of October - Abba Father, Praise to Thee, as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ walks into her day whether hurriedly or gently may it be a day where Your infinite and intimate Love abides in her heart. May You draw her close to You and embrace her with Your beauty and fragrance and as she looks upon her day may it be a sweet aroma of praises to You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Breathing In His Beauty,